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So tell me about the PNW

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The weather sucks so so so bad here. Kiss seasons goodbye we have wet and dry for a few weeks put of the summer. Don't expect to safely drive a slammed datsun for the most part the roads are chip and sealed but Washington has a pretty high road budget. It's a good place to be if you love the outdoors but only if you invest in rain gear. Datsuns are pretty abundant and it seems like every town has "that one guy" who knows an unreal amount about them. Find that guy he will often do work for cheap and has a ton of parts. If beer 4x4's and guns is your thing we've got that but if your some liberal ninny like myself you'll still do fine.

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what you really need to know about washington...




after 25 years you no longer have to pass emissions, just buy tabs


after 30 years you no longer have to buy tabs


after 40 years you can get a cool "horseless carriage" plate, and again: no tabs, no emissions




any questions?

In my county (kitsap) and some others over have NO emissions testing!

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I kinda dislike that show...


and i really hate clowns <_<


Haven't had the chance to see it.

I've only ever seen excerpts from IFC.com, hulu.com, and youtube.com

When I very first saw that clip, well before I knew it was a show, I could not stop laughing at the truth it possessed.

Not to mention, I saw it after I moved away. Made me home-sick.

I've shown other people the vid that have never been to Portland. They just don't get it. I know it's a joke, right? :P


But really...PNW is the place. I have traveled/lived all over. Born and raised in Portland though.

I know of nowhere else where you can be in a metropolitan area, and still be an hour away from the ocean, an hour away from the mountain range, and an hour away from the desert all at the same time.


Man, I miss being home.



And Skib...tell me what well-adjusted individual likes clowns. I just got the heebie-jeebies typing that.

Clowns suck,

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Kentucky!! OMG the Huddle House rules! Every time I've taking a road trip anywhere heading East,, always gotta stop at a Huddle House in Can-Tuck-Key.

Ya, the PNW is the straight up the mega poo. I've lived in a lot of different places, states, cities and countries: SD, WI, MN, MO, KS, FL, TX, RI, Russia, and Seattle, WA (currently Denver). I'll hafta say outta all these digs Seattle is in the top 3 pho-sure. However, it does rain/spit from Oct-Apr, flat out, the peeps are super chill and laid-back. But while I lived in the NW I discovered a smoking hot car 510(s) and still carry the sickness with me today (even though I've never seen one on the road here in CO., except mine).

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Haha, that's about how I feel.


But really...PNW is the place. I have traveled/lived all over. Born and raised in Portland though.

I know of nowhere else where you can be in a metropolitan area, and still be an hour away from the ocean, an hour away from the mountain range, and an hour away from the desert all at the same time.



Flatcat19 hit on my favorite part, you can do anything here. We got desert dunes, forest, citylife, snowboarding, windsurfing, ocean surfing, fishing, hunting, hiking, kayaking, class 5 rapids...you name it. Portland is constantly rated a top 10 US city to live in. Btw, no sales tax. ;)



If there is a complaint to be made it's that outside of Portland, it's very rural...it gets pretty hillbilly. The unemployment rate and public schools are about 10th worst. And of course the rain has been mentioned. :cool:

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if you own an umbrella your obviously not from around here :lol:








Need a WA one :lol:



But really...PNW is the place.

I know of nowhere else where you can be in a metropolitan area, and still be an hour away from the ocean, an hour away from the mountain range, and an hour away from the desert all at the same time.


And Skib...tell me what well-adjusted individual likes clowns. I just got the heebie-jeebies typing that.

Clowns suck,


More truth :D


it's very rural...it gets pretty hillbilly.


Like that's a bad thing :lol:

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Let's focus on broadcasting the negative things about the PNW, shall we? I'd like to keep it as unpopulated and nice for as long as possible.



It rains.

Hippies stink, and there are alot of them.

Street kids are broker than Datsun owners, and we're outnumbered 10fold.

All the junkyards have been picked over of anything Datsun-unless it's FWD.

The Willamette smells like poo-because it is.

Roads suck.

Hippies stink.

Moss is hard to clean out of your toes.

The girls wear too many clothes, because it rains.

The hippy girls don't wear enough clothes.

PIR barely holds any races anymore, if ever.

I-5 is the worst freeway in the world.

Gonaherpesyphalaids-Have a seat.

NismoDr. will break your shit.

3 counties, and lots of cities means John Brown will be seeing everything.

Hippies stink.

Felony Flatts-Get robbed with a smile, and a bong hit.

Bicycles without brakes. It's the ones that don't know how to ride that makes this scary.

Brandon Roy sucks.

Way too many vegan restaurants.


Hippies stink.


That's Portland, in a nutshell.

Stay away-the patchouli gets stuck in your clothes.

And we don't loan out umbrellas. We ain't got any!

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