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seller feedback-69wagon

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so i had a deal with 69wagon to pick up some parts from his 411 he had for sale. told him id be there monday night cash in hand for the stuff we talked about. only thing is he sold it the next morning right out from under me and another guy that wanted parts off it. funny thing i drove all the way to south central from rancho, its only a mere 45 miles each way. cost me 20 bucks in gas. i called him prolly 10+ times and he never answered to even say that he had someone that was gonna look at it in the morning. i wood have understood that but he completely blew me off and pretty much fucked me on this. not a very good way to conduct business. i hope the check the guy wrote him bounces and he get nothing for the car. i thought ratsun was supposed to be a pretty good comunnity with some decent ppl here that love the cars and helping each other out but i guess theres a few bad apples in every bunch!


i wood avoid doing business with him as much as possible.

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actually they didnt beat me to it i was in south central la, mind u im a white kid driving a jetta, on monday night with cash in hand and he never answered his fone, car sold tuesday, but yeah i guess if they had a tiem machine or something they beat me too it

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I'd be as pissed as you. Anybody would be. A courtesy call would have been nice. SOrry it went down like that, but it happens anywhere you buy/sell stuff. Thanks for the info.



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Wait a minute, you didn't get his address? Seems odd to me if you had planned to be there that night and you didn't show and he sold it the next morning.....am I missing something here?

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This is not the way to sell things, I agree. It happens all the time on Craigslist, but there is a certain anonymity there. But on a forum where we like to imagine ourselves as a bunch of friends hanging out in a bar, we should have better tact. Also we do have a thread for seller feedback, in the for sale section.

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he just called me and basically told me off and said he coodnt answere his fone for a reason i wont say to not give out his personal info, he was pretty pissed. apparently he was able to answere at some point since he made arangments to sell it 12 hours later to someone. he doesnt see that he did anything wrong in any of it.


i will say that i did go down there to sell my starter to the other guy mentioned for 20 bucks, so i basically drove down there gave the guy the starter for free and went home, i sold the starter to cover my gas for when i went to get the parts from 69 wagon, and the guy was gonna pick it up but since i was gonna be in his neck of the woods i told him id drop it off. if it wasnt for the parts on 69 wagons car i wood have let the guy come pick it up. thats y i feel like i got fucked. i guess im just too nice


and i know im not the only one that feels like this is wrong cause i got pm's from ppl that will remain nameless saying that they understand and sorry it happened.

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well beleive me or not but theres a few in here who said that this is wrong too so fuck off. i felt liek this was as stated b4 kinda liek a bunch of freinds that are at a bar type of setting. we joke, give words of encouragement etc etc, but i woodnt hang out with those guys if they were gonna be continuously screwing me over.


and heres the txt from said pm


Yeah ,,, it is wrong ,,, but did he say he would "hold it for you" or declare anyone behind you ??? A given time frame to buy the crap ???


It gets tricky man ,,, had it happen to me before a few times ,,, it really does get old :-( ,,, I just tell whoever I am selling to a "time frame" and whether or not people are interested or not


two out of three flake ,,, I do consider "good faith" payments ( 10% or so of total ) ,,, then I am fair ,,,, but if I am hurting for money I let them know after the fact when time frame is established so rules are fair


Sorry this happened to you ,,, and yes I do see something wrong with it ,,, it is called "dignity" and "honor" in ding business the end !!!


Best of luck to ya in the future ,,, usually Ratsun members in my area are all cool ,,, except one dude ,,, a total flake ! lolz


i replyed and got this in return



What a piece of :poop: ,,,,,,,,,,,,, cell phones are "portable" ,,, wth :mellow:



Excuses are just that ,,,, never a good one ,,, he could of at least called you in between to let you know so you could arrange plans for later or look for other parts ,,,,,, simple as that a common courtesy


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ratsun has always done me good buying and selling..... i have never had any flakes (yet).... so im sure the day I do i will be as pissed as you..... dont let it get you down.... ratsun is still safer than ebay....


dat77sun be a little more mature.... lol

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most people who call and say "i want it" or "i will buy it" never do... or hope to pay $20 for something thats posted for $500.

Bottom line is he never got your money so he has no obligation to promise you shit... Its all part of the game ... want a tissue?


I would like to hear his side of the story

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ratsun has always done me good buying and selling..... i have never had any flakes (yet).... so im sure the day I do i will be as pissed as you..... dont let it get you down.... ratsun is still safer than ebay....


dat77sun be a little more mature.... lol



ive had great experiences from buyinng from people off here, people have actually included extra shit without me knowing :) , but unfortunately there is always that 1 person who will rip ya off

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most people who call and say "i want it" or "i will buy it" never do... or hope to pay $20 for something thats posted for $500.

Bottom line is he never got your money so he has no obligation to promise you shit... Its all part of the game ... want a tissue?


I would like to hear his side of the story


so wat about the other guy that traded him parts and never recieved his parts????? wat about that guy, and dont ask for him to chime in hes not on here but im working on getting him on in the future, he has 2 411s

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