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Got me a ticket today

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Sure there are BS charges/tickets and the odd asshole cop that's only human nature. If you think it's crap and they are gouging an honest person go to court and clog up their system.


The problem is, why should I have to take time out of my day and 'clog up' their system. They get paid whether I go there or not. I don't get paid for going there.


I plan to file a lengthy complaint against the officer that lied to give me a ticket and go to court to fight it. Waste of my time, due to some asshole with a badge.

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I got my last one thrown out, only ticket ive ever gotten. Was on evergreen pkwy next to sr14 near downtown vancouver. Cop was sitting up a hillside, i was doing 55 in like a 40 something in my altima. I just got done getting my job after being let go from staples, i was in a happy mood and taking a different way home cuz i had to go to winco off andresen. Cop pulls me over, but hes a dick about it, follows me for 4 miles, up andresen and near the safeway finally pulls me over. Well i asked where he was sitting at and he told me. I asked him if he had the property owners authorization to sit on their property, he said he didnt have to. Well i went got and talked to the person who lived on the house on that property. For a 250 dollar ticket, while on unemployment was not going to happen. They said they didnt know a cop was sitting and pulling people over on their property. She wrote a note out for me, signed it and i took it to the court date. Judge threw out the ticket :)



I drive..well drove for a living since 18 for different jobs, i know the dot laws and everything. It sucks since my back injury that i will now have to go into a different field, unless i can get trained in management or ops. But, i know how to fight bull shit tickets from cops. Ive been harrased so many times in box trucks from 18 - 28 foot long ones. They love messing with truck drivers.


Before the one abouve, i worked graveyard for PCS pacific cargo assholes. I drove down to hugo oregon everynight after they decided to sell the bend route that i loved :(. Well i would stop in the hills usually and sleep on my way back, i was salary so it made no difference, i would take it as my lunch. Well to many dick semi's were parked in the rest area, and the hills near roseburg, so i couldnt pull over and stop, so i kept going. I finally couldnt go anymore, i needed to take a few mins. I pulled on a onramp, then down, you see semi's do it all the fucking time right? Well apparently in oregon its illegal, even if their is NO sign that says no parking. I layed down in my truck for no more than 5 min's, and i get a tapping on my window from a flashlight, im thinking CRAP!!! Its a stater, He starts going off on me for parking there. I explained to him there is no sign, he then gets pissy and inspects my truck, everything from tires to the damn horn of all things. I show him everythings in working order, this is like 45 mins after the fact of him being there nad me being pulled over. I had not had a chance to update my log yet since trying to nap, and coming back from hugo. I normally would do that after taking a nap. He asks to see it, im like 2 hours 30 mins from updating, when it needs to be done around every 3 hours, he shut me down, FOR 8 HOURS!!! He made me drive 30 miles back to the 7 feathers truck stop, put a big sticker on my door that was a bitch to get off, and said if he saw me on the road, i would be ticketed and arrested 0.o. I had been at work since 9pm the night before, and its now 7am, and i had to sit there for 8 hours. He did not give me a ticket though, i know he knows i would fight it and win. I had to take and pay to get a shower at the truck stop, and then my work made me work that night after i got back saying i had 8 hours off so they could do it :(. Thats why i call them pacific cargo assholes. I was then told i couldnt stop to sleep anymore. I was the only driver who ever did that route for more than 3 months without a accident, every other driver had been in bad accidents within 3 weeks to 3 months. I left and went back to my old job. I hate cops that just want to be a dick, or dont do shit by the book. You have good cops, and bad. Most seem bad or just dont care anymore :(

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I have gotten way to many tickets. All started a MONTH after getting my license.

I'll start from the beginning....


Reckless driving (totalled my wifes mercury)

3 DWLS 2nd degree

2 speeding

And a following to close for conditions (ran over a honda in a 3/4 ton ram)


I have been pulled over though for supposed carpool violations, blue foglights that said on the box they were DOT approved, and driving a totalled vehicle (both my wifes mercury and my GLI). But my record is clear although I do play at times. And I know where the cops like to sit between home and seattle :)

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  • 1 month later...




Here in Montana we have very chill local cops, and super ignorant highway patrol. Simplest solution to getting out of tickets other than not doing anything illegal in the firstplace, be kind to the officer.


If your not in the wrong? don't get all anal about it, let it go, they all make mistakes or may be out to get you, but if your nice they'll prob be like oh, that guy wasn't a tool at all, nice car.

If you are in the wrong, why the hell fight it? Just be kind, don't make excuses, no one likes a whiner. Let it go, fight it later.


Thats a fool proof plan that has gotten me out of NUMEROUS tickets.


-No front plate on the front, it was in my window, so I zip tied it to my grill.

-No bumpers, I kindly showed him my bumper mounts to the frame that has no bumpers attached, according to law, that counts, he just laughed he's like your safety, not mine, I kindly wished him a nice day and we both drove off with a smile.

-130 in a 75 over by moses lake on one of my trips to be Seattle at 6a.m. ish with nobody around ( I turned my Valentine One detector off, whoops), He pulled me over, asked the cliche do you know how fast you were going, I said 130ish with a grin, he showed me the gun, laughingly said good guess, then we proceeded to BS about the mods done to my car and how he had one in highschool (seems a common theme in people) and how he has one now, He later added me on Hybridz oddly enough haha. Got a warning and a joke or two out of it.

-Exhaust to loud

silly little things other than the speeding, still no tickets, treat them the way you'd like to be treated, simple as that.


Tailgating tickets however, are not taken lightly, your endangering other motorists for what? a couple milliseconds and a terrible amount of time to react in a crash, just slow it down and don't ride the other cars.

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