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"you can't get something for nothing" or "you can't take more out of a closed system than you put into it"


When I was a kid I used to hear stories about this home inventor who developed a carb that would give 80 MPG and the oil companys bought his invention and buried it. This when gas was about 20 cents a gallon or less. Every generation or so I would hear a variation on this old story. The thing is, gas only contains a finite amount of energy so no matter how efficient your motor ,X amount of gas will only move X amount of weight through X distance, period. A 20mpg car is not going to get 4 Xs increase in mileage from a carb change. Now it's Brown's gas HHO.




Can't find the link but on one some HHO discussions a guy pointed out (with chemical formulas of how much H2+O yield you would get per cubic inch) that with even greater than current HHO technology to just get a car to get close to 50mpg, it would take a electrolysis tank so large that the weight of the system would pretty much make the vehicle useless.

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What happens when we burn two volumes hydrogen and one volume of oxygen? We produce heat and some water H2O as a by product. To take that same amount of water and break it down into it's two original parts we have to use as much energy as was produced by burning it.


It's like an equation both sides of the equals sign must be the same.


Lets imagine that we have a magical combustion engine that is 100% efficient. (gas engines are around 20%) Further let's have an alternator that also converts mechanical motion to electricity with 100% efficiency. (I don't know the efficiency of an alternator, but it sure can't be 100%) On top of this we have an HHO generator with 100% efficiency making Brown's gas which is fed into the motor which runs on it turning the alternator making electricity to run the HHO generator. At best, the gas produced would make just enough energy to produce enough electricity to make the gas. Output = input = output = input...... round and round forever. There is no 'extra' energy made to power a car or anything else. How can you take more out of a closed system than is in it???

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