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81 720 truck project

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Just thought I might post my truck I'm workin on. Maybe even post updates whenever we get parts biggrin.gif

Anyways, heres the story. My dad bought this truck a few years back from a neighbor cross the street for 200 bux. It had been sitting there for years. After a battery charge and some gas, the dang thing started right up. It ran, barely. Previous owner prolly didn't know crap about cars, they had it running at about 1500+rpms to keep it alive. A lot of stuff was jerry rigged to make it work. My dad got it over here (I was about 15 I think) and he replaced all the vacuum and gas lines. I started helping him work on it, and thats where I found my love for working on cars. I quickly learned about how cars work, and loved them even more. We finally got it running the right way, with everything done the right way (no jerry rigging). Drove it for a few years, then the thing seized up on my dad while driving it to work. It was my fault (though he still to this day doesnt know that) I was digging around for something and broke off the oil light wire. Ooops. Didn't mention it to my dad (I was still young, didnt want to get in trouble), and at the time it was consuming a lot of oil. So, had it towed back to the house. fearing it was a piston that siezed, did some reasearch and found some things to try to break it free. Nothing was working, so we decided to tear it apart to see if we could free it up. Started to take out the pistons and found that one of the connecting rod bearings had melted to the crankshaft. So, we broke it free, tried to turn the crankshaft ourselves via sanding wheels and sand paper. Bad idea, I know. so we get it back together, tried to start it and nothing happened. So we just left it sitting for about a year. After one of our other cars died, (crankshaft/bearing issues, not my fault this time.wink.gif Bad oil pump) we decided to revive the truck. So after many months of getting parts, (including a brand new crankshaft), extensive research, and getting it put together, we are just about ready to fire it up. hyper.gif Cant wait! So heres some pics. Enjoy!!



















































































Gotta love LEDs (tail)








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Will do! I have to figure out how to build up fuel pressure without wearing out my second brand new starter. Thinkin bout pulling it behind the big ol v10 in pic 3 and basically pull starting it. Hope it works!



Try twisting the bottom of the fuel pump off and cleaning it out, probably lots of crud in there. Replace filters. Blow the fuel lines out while you're at it.

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Try twisting the bottom of the fuel pump off and cleaning it out, probably lots of crud in there. Replace filters. Blow the fuel lines out while you're at it.


Thanks for the advice, but I'm not having problems with it. It's just been sitting for at least four years now and in 110+ degree summers the fuel evaporated out of the system. Although, I might just do that anyways. Do you mean the fuel line fitting on the bottom, or the whole pump bottom? I took the one off the carb recently, and it was clean.

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Thanks for the advice, but I'm not having problems with it. It's just been sitting for at least four years now and in 110+ degree summers the fuel evaporated out of the system. Although, I might just do that anyways. Do you mean the fuel line fitting on the bottom, or the whole pump bottom? I took the one off the carb recently, and it was clean.



No problemo....ya.....I meant the whole pump bottom (with large adjustable pliers). It's been filtering for 30 years so I'm sure there's some crud in there. If it's OE that is. ;)

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No problemo....ya.....I meant the whole pump bottom (with large adjustable pliers). It's been filtering for 30 years so I'm sure there's some crud in there. If it's OE that is. ;)


I haven't personally replaced it, but the previous owner might have. I'll check it anyways.

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to get things going, after you check out the pump (never hurts)... start the motor on non metered fuel... take a plastic bottle with a cap, poke a hole in the cap with a nail or similar, fill with gas and use that as your fuel source...


take the air filter off and squirt some down the throat of the carb while someone turn the motor over, keep squirting fuel in there to keep it running... meanwhile if all fuel lines are clear and free, your cam will be priming your fuel filter for you... (my theory)




Edited by sinner720st
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Is the fuel pump you're talking about the electric one? Mines mechanical, and I took it apart today and it was spotless. I also drained all the old fuel from the lines from when we turned it over to prime the oil pump so itll be getting fresh gas.

start the motor on non metered fuel... take a plastic bottle with a cap, poke a hole in the cap with a nail or similar, fill with gas and use that as your fuel source...


take the air filter off and squirt some down the throat of the carb while someone turn the motor over, keep squirting fuel in there to keep it running...


Non-metered fuel = ????????


Can I just use starting fluid? I just bought a can of it for that purpose.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Got it smogged today. BARELY passed. HC's were 2 points of from failing (measured 249ppm, 250 is the max). But it passed. One more Datsun on the road! Now I gotta figure out why its guzzling so much gas....



How long is the smog 'pass' for?

Intense visual on inspection?

Here nor there....worry about it next year and or.... :)

I'd throw a Weber on it....aug the stock cleaner to fit.

Keep all vacuum lines, intact as is.....plug em. 'Esthetics' and all.... ;)

Better MPG and performance......depending how you drive it of course :D


Not sure how mine would fare on a smog test.....but visually, if I hid the regulator and kept the hoses intact.......

Might just pass.....if they 'knew' what they were not looking at.... :blink: :)



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Smog is good till June 2011. Have no idea if it was looked over well or not. And I dont think I want to throw a Weber on it. Looks like too much work sweat.gif Besides, I heard Webers dont do well on CA smog tests. Am I wrong? I've been doing research, and found if Im having problems with mpg, it could be the exhaust system. Which makes sence, because my dad said the CATs going, although I dont know how he can tell, and we've got a brand X $20 muffler on it.

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...Besides, I heard Webers dont do well on CA smog tests. Am I wrong? ...

No, you are absolutely right, Webers and smog checks don't go together. I would say its the catalytic converter. And check your EGR valve. If its sticking, it will cause the numbers to be high, but run good. I had my bi-annual smog done on my Corolla, she failed because of the sticking EGR. 45 minutes, and a battery terminal cleaner and I was good to go, passed with flying colors.

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Could it also be running rich? It seems to hesitate for a second when I give it even just a little gas, and it runs pretty crappy in the morning until it warms up. Timing, choke, and everything else seems to be in working order, minus the CAT, which I cant tell if its bad or not. I calculated its only getting about 16mpgs. Our V-10 van gets 11. Something is wrong here......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a set of bmw projectors a few days ago, and recently retrofitted and installed them. They look good, dont they? Ill try to post oics of them on tonight when it gets dark. Yes that is electrical tape and plastic CD cases on them right now. I need to get some lexan to make em all pretty and stuff.


Oics, enjoy!























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  • 1 month later...

looks like torsion bars are cranked. truck sits pretty high and tires look like they got some negative camber :huh:


I think my ball joints are really worn. As for the torsion bars, I have no idea. I looked at the bolts once, and they were almost adjusted all the way down to the base of the bolt.

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  • 1 month later...

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