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hey guys whats up ...

ok first off my name is marco and i live in germany ...

through my job i come around germany alot and i have picked up a

'79 datsun laurel 200L with a 240 engine swap ... (square lights)

i have no idea or clue what to do with the thing but i liked it so i had to get it .. i picked it up for 300 euros ...


me and my friend run a shop for import racing so i thought a classic would fit in nicely ...

problem is ... parts !? where do i get parts .. !!? the piston rings are fried .. and overall the car needs work .... i want to lower it and get a nice sound out of it ... even thinking about swapping the engine to a turbo mod. from a nissan 200sx ...

idk yet what will happen .. so any information that i can get here will help me and the car ... i want it to become a daily car but a headturner at the same time ...

u have to understand that that is the first one of its kind that i have seen around here ... and i see alot of cars ...

so please send me links ::: or anyone who has parts .. let me know


thank you in advance




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lol nice i found a pack of car junkies ...

well the problem is the company i worked at when i bought the car didnt allow any cameras ... cell or digital .. so i have to wait till i get the car home ... to upload some .. i will do it asap .. just wanted to be ahead of the cars problems by finding good prices or good parts ahead of time and knowing where to go with any upcoming problems ...


believe me i wish id have sonme pics so i could start shopping them and see where i want to go with the car

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what about it ...

some info !?

its a r33 gtst

100% locked on the back wheels ..

rb25det with a complete stage 2 setup ... nismo interior

blits gauges.... advan super racing wheels.... and and and



570 horses on mid boost ... still need some more mods to run the boost up ..

but thats the basics

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well slam mirror rims sounds nice but i would not even know where to get the mirrors that go on the hood/ fenders ::::: yeah no sucide doors .. i like it simple .. im thinking flat black ... whith the airbrush from our shop ...

but like i said i need a parts source without that i might as well sell the thing ... cause i have no time to be running after parts if i can order them or search for them (in a ok time frame) then its ok .. dont want to search 20 weeks for piston rings ...

simply no time for anything like that right now

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well ... i came to the forum and thought that i would find some help in getting parts ...

links... home stacks .. what ever ...

anyone who already build a car like this .... (use different parts/ add parts)

any other discriptions of my car ... does it have different names is it called different does it have nick names ... i have no clue ... i just bought it and thought i could get help here ... but instead ... we are talking about my skyline and about how i dont have a pic yet ... i mean come one im not asking for opinons or what you guys think how my car looks .. because in the end 10 ppl will like it and 30 will write me and tell me to change things ... im asking for some help .. thats alll ... i mean i can do it the hard way and find parts that are able to fit and use my self ... but i figured what are these forums for !? help ::: right !?

if that is not the case just tell me right away .. so i can quit wasting my time waiting for a usefull answer here

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You should have said that exact thing in your first post. We love pics here, sorry thats just the way it is. Guy, you have a skyline, do you have any idea how impossible it will be for any of us to get one here stateside? I have been into datsuns my whole life and have never seen a Laurel here under any other name etc.....



All questions take some time, no need for frustration

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go to Datsunworld. Its UK webiste the guy has parts there. u can x ref parts #s or something.




a guy here on Ratsun from Portugal has gotton parts for his datsun 510/1600 in his country so I can assume parts are availible in Europe but have to admit it is harder just to go to a parts store and find these.


For some reson people dont use the computer as much in Europe as in the US to buy stuff. You can find anything. and most times its not even made in the US. You can buy german made stuff cheaper in America then germany.


Im sure they have rings from Nissan in Germany if you have a part #

a 2400 motors is a 83mm and 1.5 thick compression ring which should be common for all datsun that use a 83mm ring.

Datsun 510s ans othersthat use a 1600cc and 240Z(2400cc) use a 83mm.



Rockauto.com has parts but you have to pay fopr shipping ect..

ebay and many other sites have parts.


if you want to loer the car go to the HoW TO section and there will be strut shortning instruction and using a VW strut cartride ofr other smaller length cartridges.


I was born in Nurmberg, Mother from a small town called Hassfut near Bamberg. then I was later stationed at Bitburg in the Eifel region.But grew up here in the US

I had a 78 3 litr Capri with recaro's and 15x7 RSwheels with Bilsteins. It was a great car and fast. But getting parts there thru the dealer was like pulling teeth. They only want to deal with new stuff and price$$$ was in outerspace

Plus Germans dont have old cars. They always get New. I seen old Karman Gia's in germany. There were all US spec bring Backs.


Part are EZ to get in the US. But we dont know how the internet stuff sites work in germany. I never really seen car parts stores like here in the US were you can run to get parts. It seem the Europeans dont want you to work on your own car. But if you look hard enough Im sure youll find rings with your motor.

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