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AHH it just DIED


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So we were driving down the road and the truck (my 72) just died. The engine was still running but it was like the throttle went out. It wouldnt accelerate when i hit the gas. It came to a rolling stop and died. I tried to start it back up and it tries to turn over but wont do it. I have no idea whats wrong and I hope it isnt serious. Any suggestions?

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check your vacuum lines and check the linkage on the carb, my brother had this problem on his 620 and the nut that holds the throttle cable assembly was loose enough to let it rotate and bind up... the idle/primary was stuck closed ...it felt tight after that and still looked right at a glance, but it wasnt...


I checked EVERYTHING except that... towed it home tore it apart, swapped dizzys scratched my head and cussed alot... finally swapped the carb out with a webber and I noticed the throttle assembly was dinked up when I was swapping the linkage over to the weber...


Would have been a 5 minute free fix if I had known to look... learning experience for sure...

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To check for spark pull number one plug out, put the spark plug wire on it. Take off all the other wires and note which wire goes to each plug. Wrap the plug with something likea rag or t shirt but don't cover the end. It'll zap you pretty good if you don't. Push the threads of the plug up against bare metal anywhere on the motor. While holding it up against the metal turn the motor over and watch for a spark.

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Lots of guys online right now, I suspect points. I have a matchbox EI dizzy here out of an L20. Will it drop straight in the L16?


Just talked to skunktruckin, he's still learning some of this stuff, but he learns fast. It's a lot easier to show some of this stuff than it is to describe it...

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the fule filter has fule in it, im unsure how to check for spark. all the plugs look clean no crap in them


Stick your tongue in a plug wire and have someone crank the motor....but be sure to record it on video. :lol: It will only work if the camera is running. :D

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Phelb - The pedastal on the dizzy itself? I'm L series deficient...


integradude19 - I've got a 'spark tester', just a glow lite that goes between the plug and the wire. If there's spark, it lights up. I've also got a test light and Mike Klotz's instructions for checking the points using the coil neg. Plus a set of long handle sliding pliers, we'll get the spark checked one way or another.


I think I have some 521 points here, but I don't know if they'll fit.


The trick here is to keep skunk's truck running while he learns, which is why I suggested an EI. The truck runs really well, and unless he lost a coil, or ballast resistor the only real wear item is the points.


Hoping to get over there this afternoon...

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That sounds like a good idea...as long as you know how to wire it up. :) Here is a good thread: http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=11828&highlight=matchbox+wiring&page=2


LOOK OUT!! Mike is typing one of his famous novel length posts again. :lol:

Edited by Phlebmaster
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Does the starter turn it over briskly? Or does it barely turn one or two times and stop?


Yes, it turns over fine.... go to check for spark

No, it turns a few times slowly and craps out.... battery is low or undercharged. Battery may be no good but suspect a bad connection on one of the terminals. The other end of the ground where it bolts to the head may be loose/bad or the positive cable where it bolts to the starter may be loose/bad. Clean and tighten all connections.


Check for spark: Pull a plug or stick an old one in one of the leads and lay on top of valve cover. Crank it over and watch for spark.


Yes, there is spark. Skip to: is there gas?

No spark.... Put plug wire on coil wire and try...


Yes there is spark.. rotor or distributor cap is bad and not allowing spark out to plugs.

No still no spark... points are not conducting or not opening (no gap) Short across points with screwdriver with key on. don't worry it's only 12 volts on the points.


Yes there is spark... points are bad or out of adjustment

No spark.... no power to coil .... ignition switch bad or ballast resistor open and no connection.



Is there gas: remove air filter and look at sight glass on front of carb, fuel level should be at the mark on glass.


Yes there is gas.... pump throttle and look down the carb, you should see strong squirt of fuel. You have fuel and spark it should start.

No gas, carb is empty... you are out of gas dummy! Fuel filter clogged, fuel line clogged with rust.... pump bad (not likely). Remove the filler cap on tank... it may not be venting the tank properly. If air rushes in try to start, the pump should now be able to suck up fuel to the carb.

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Online parts check shows the points are the same for the 521 and early 620.

I'll pull a set of points from a spare dizzy. I also have a couple of spare coils and ballast resistors, and one set of plug wires.


I just went out and looked over the EI, the pedestal is on it, the only coil I have to run it is a Mallory black box coil.


Looks like my timing light died, so I'm not sure we'll try to swap in the EI. If it's electrical, I've got most of it covered. If it's the ignition switch, we'll have to pull the one from the KC.


Guess we'll see what we get...

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This truck has the dual point dizzy, so we just cleaned up the points a little bit, cleaned the cap and rotor and replaced the spark plug wires. A little gas, and ta-da.


Don't feel too bad, you're not the first guy to run his truck out of gas.


Hope to get together and put the EI in it before those points are completely gone though.


Didja' post yet about the other jas-ifras thing yet?

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