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kick my ass


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that these did kick my buttox. i could not get these drums of. i tryed backing the brakes off with the screw thing in the back, no good. tryed bleeding the brakes no good, and minie didnt have the 2 screw holes in the back to push the drum off. i didnt know what to do. i work at a small engine shop and it had the same problem as a flywheel. it was stcuk cuz of the cone scerineo so i got to thinking i use a puller to get those off so i can use one to get my drum off, but they didnt make one that big. so i made my one hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! im so happy i did it my self :lol:





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now this is a sign of a true ratsun nut,,, a little scrap metal, alot of imagination and a welder in the garage,,, and wallah a new tool to use for getting your job done. now all you have to do is put this tool into production for all of us to buy from you so we dont have the same problem getting our drums off when we go to do brakes,,LOL,, did you use a stick or mig to weld this with??:lol::lol::D

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Great job man! I have several tools that I have made. Each one is usually made for a specific place and time...but its pretty cool later on to find out how those weird tools can get used for other stuff. Thank God you were thinking and didn't just take it to Just Brakes or Midas or something.:lol:

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lol i didnt even think about making more than just one. i used mig on this, i dont have a stick welder because i dont like them, but ya as soon as i hooked this bad boy up it poped right off, actully it flew off it landed in my lap :eek: lol

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ya they were a pretty big battle, but no they didnt crak, one kinda did but thats only becasue of the excessive amount of 20 lb sledge hammer blows :fu:. but no when i put the puller on it the were realy tough at first then they just flew off no cranking

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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprising how often we forget to just use some heat (me included).


A blow torch around the hub situation for a minute or so does wonders in these predicaments (plus using a mini sledge and wood block working equally around the lip of the drum)


And yeah, moderation (both torch and hammering) is the key if you don't want to warp the aluminum drums on Z's, dimes, etc.

Edited by BenJammin
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Surprising how often we forget to just use some heat (me included).


A blow torch around the hub situation for a minute or so does wonders in these predicaments (plus using a mini sledge and wood block working equally around the lip of the drum)


And yeah, moderation (both torch and hammering) is the key if you don't want to warp the aluminum drums on Z's, dimes, etc.


This is the way that I manage to remove my drums.

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thats only becasue of the excessive amount of 20 lb sledge hammer blows :fu:.



Woah the BFH didn't work? Man those bastards were really freakin stuck on there! I have fought the same battle my friend. Thankfully the BFH did the job. Boy you gotta wear earplugs when whacking that sumbitch!


Congrats on a really great solution!

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