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Another Video and its home haha

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Thought I'd post another video of reving the truck. Alot better video and sound this time. It's home finally. I have to have the drive line balanced it vibrates at 40+mph but it drives and stops. Also you will hear a bit of an exhaust leak when I show the motor I have to tighten down the passangers side exhaust manifold a bit more. Ill get more video later on next week. Im fighten a cold.


YouTube link:


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Glad you guys like it... You can see in the video the new rear end makes the rims, that use to be flush with the bed, stick out. Also Im about 5 mph off on the speedo at 40 more so as I go faster.

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Sorry for the bump I just figured out how to put in youtube video that plays here. LOL for those of you that dont know, take the spaces out of the brackets [ youtube]YOUR VIDEO CODE mine is LWgZXLUy25U[/youtube ]


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is your tach setup for a 4 cyl??? its reading too high by almost double compared to the idle sound. judging by sound its near 750-800 rpm, the tach says near 1500. i never thought a chev motor would fit into a pickup that way. very clean, i bet traction is a issue.

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is your tach setup for a 4 cyl??? its reading too high by almost double compared to the idle sound. judging by sound its near 750-800 rpm, the tach says near 1500. i never thought a chev motor would fit into a pickup that way. very clean, i bet traction is a issue.


I noticed that too! Shoulda said something. May be set for a six cyl??

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No its set up correctly I have the idle set real high. I did that cause the Battery was really low and the way it lobs at a 700 idle it would die as soon as I turned on the fan. Ill get another video now of it at 700 you will see the truck shake bad since its got a real hot cam in it. LOL brb


Ok no video its got a really bad miss. I just shocked the crap out of myself grabing the dist. I think the cap or one of the wires is bad. I have to get new wires and cap this week. As soon as the drive line issue is fixed Ill repost when I get them. I guess thats why it wont Idle right.


Also its not zeroing out on the tach when I start it. It has a 4cyl, 6cyl, and 8cyl switch and its set to 8cyl. I have to recalibrate it I guess. Problems problem problems it never stops.


Traction what is that. HAHAHA your right there no traction over 1/4 throttle.

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I figured it out after my last repost. I have a cross fire in the dist cap causing it to read double the RPMs at anything under 2000 RPM. A new cap, rotor and wires are going on it tomorrow after I fix the drive line. Then its out to some back streets to play a little smoke show for the camera.

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