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Everything posted by goonfan

  1. You are quick on the draw my friend. I have to admit, I'm a snob sometimes. I would usually see a brew priced this low and think "that's for the low brow guys" but right now I seriously couldn't think of a better IPA bang for buck. Of course Dogfish 120min, Stone Ruination, and Rogue Imperial IPA are better but at 3-4x the cost. This is most definitely a great brew to keep stocked.
  2. Not a fan of those big ol' wheels on a Z. I mean look at it, the car is up off the ground like 8-10". Don't let the wheel gap fool you!
  3. Maybe I'll actually make it to this one... Did fix them wipers
  4. That outburst is a good deal... Picked up a half case of bottles for $13 at the grocery store. Highly recommend.
  5. So today was not a good one for me. If you've been following my thread you've probably picked up on some "issues" I have with my hands. Basically I'm lucky to even have a left arm after an accident I had several years ago and as a result I'm always in some degree of pain. Today when I woke up it was extra bad from all the work I've been doing and my usual regimen of NSAID's and pain killers aren't even putting a dent in it. So I just ended up taking the day off. I picked up a few things from the store, even that was hard to do. I did pick up some new tools and a half shirt from my local weld shop. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day and I'll get something done. If my wrist is doing good I think I can weld in the new section, to hell with the factory fender mounting.
  6. Damn dude.... Take care of this shit already. You are killing your rep as a good seller fast. Give this dude his money AND the lug nuts. It's the ONLY way I see you coming out of this in tact. I get times are tuff but people don't give a shit all they see is this dragging out way too long.
  7. Okay... so that didn't work out too well. I already grind down the mess and will most likely end up patching over it. Here is some first mock up shots. Still needs to go back further. The spot welds aren't close. Looking at the extensions it becomes more obvious. The stock side is 2.5" from from the core support. My patch is out 3" from the rail. Take a look at the "kick out" on this fender right past the core support. That's not there on the stock 240Z, I've cut this out already and will patch it up. I dropped the suspension. It was a bitch. On the bright side I found out I have spherical ball joints in my control arms. So I'm getting back out there shortly. I'll post some pics before I get started. I may just say fuck the mounting holes as long as I can get the body panels to line up. The "re-sale" value of this car is absolute zero with all of this repair work so why not? I'm going to get my pulling rig setup in a bit and crank it over until it lines up a bit better. It's going to be tricky, I think I'll have to get it off jack stands first, lol.
  8. Getting back to it today. Here is a re-cap before getting to the point where the fender mounting bolt bosses don't line up. This is my second patch panel. The first one was 30thou but it was anealed or something, idk, it was way to flimsy. This is a nice and strong section of 40thou. It's just tacked in for now. That "bead" on the angle was not shitty welding, I was using the torch to trim the edge by melting it back. Then I took the plunge and cut out the upper rail. Before: After: I decided to cut it out because of this mess of metal. This is right where the strut tower ties into hte rail. Another shot. Prepped as best I could manage. Little butt on the torch. Oops, my ground clamp won't reach..... Improvise. I'm not going over 45a so no biggie. No for the hard part.... I have no choice but to use the rotary control.... in my left hand (my left hand has severe nerve damage btw)
  9. Top Gear is a great show but keep in mind it's mostly entertainment. A stock 260z is not as fastas a 370z, its not even close. Those were cars owned by a local Zedd club. I would like them to come in under 3k curb weight.
  10. I feel ya. I those heated seats are nice and all but it's not nearly the same driving experience as my Z. Shit in my 72' most people can't even get it started let alone drive it.
  11. LOL oh shit thats funny. On Canada no less
  12. lol, nice to know government waste isn't just in the US.
  13. I didn't know that... They just hit 1,000,000 millionaires, maybe they got all the money these days. Side note: You can buy an A8 for stupid cheap if you look. I'm talking under 20K. Audi's are shit for holding value.
  14. lol, 'd be all for some "free" *dental* care, that's a fucking scam.
  15. IDK if your joking or not but I'd tend to believe you on this one. Doesn't it seem like ALL the "drivers" cars are not available in the US? Are we so f'n lazy that we can't think when we drive or is it we are so wrapped up in "status" that we have to have every unless POS add on a manufacturer can think of?
  16. All cars way an ass ton these days. Would you believe a 2 dr 09 GTI, manual, leather interior and that's it weighs in at 3200 dry? It's crazy. All the safety and electronics? I don't know what else could it be?
  17. If they make it as fun to drive and cheaper that would be great. The Z I was about to order was gonna be 32K, that's close to invoice, I was looking for a white one with the burnt orange (brown), manual, no other options.
  18. Well.... you got that great health care at least
  19. Yikes... Is that all taxes or something?
  20. It's all about the handling! I had an 09' GTI for less than 6 months and test drove the 370Z, it killed the GTI, well for me anyway. I did a mini hill climb and finished it off with a 0-60-0, it was killer, even the car sales guy was like "Holy shit, this thing is bad ass!" of course that could have just been salesmenship. I was about to sign on the dotted line unitl I got my insurance quote, $350/mo, that killed it.
  21. Well, the early 260Z is the same as the 240Z in most ways... I couldn't say 100%, this is Nissan afterall. I knew there was extra reinforcing and such, I just drilled that stuff out. Even the pinch weld seems are different between the 240/280 bodies. I alos found out that the fender extension, w/o the bracing of the 280, are also just a hair different. A tube jig is not a bad idea.... I may explore that option. I *think* I can make everything fit with some more work. IDK.... just a real fucking huge disappointment today. I'll re-group and quit the bitch routine tomorrow am
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