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Everything posted by Rustbucket

  1. Little update of some arrived goods from the office today; All my seals? Check! Rad hoses? Check! My favorite part? Gangster controller for the Defi's... New stuff is so fun! :)
  2. Paint was in the plans until the stripping began. This shell is a total scrap heap, SO not worth putting that much money in product in to this car. From what I've seen of clear-over-metal cars before, it should look pretty gnarly!
  3. Have one of these on order; One of these; And all new window seals, Defi controller, and rad hoses also on route. Can't wait to finally mellow on the money spending!
  4. My friend Santi took a couple pictures of the Z, and my truck while we were at the shop one day. He takes some pretty wild pictures, and has a sweet Silvia. Worth taking a look! http://www.staticmotion.ca/ http://www.staticmotion.ca/ http://www.staticmotion.ca/ http://www.staticmotion.ca/ http://www.staticmotion.ca/
  5. Also picked up a new ignitor chip from a member on GTRCanada, because mine was a little broken. I kid you not, I probably took about 150 pounds worth of epoxy off this car. It was insane - I never want to sand another vehicle in my life. I've been keeping busy with my truck in the mean time, also! If you couldn't already tell - I like burnouts a lot.
  6. Been busy spending a little money on the old girl, also! I bought the wrong size rad hoses, so I'm waiting for the replacements to show up, but I also ordered some other fun stuff from FRSport; Boost, Water Temp, and Oil Pressure; In my excitement I neglected to order the controller. That should be here soon!
  7. 72240z; I swapped it over to the bolt-in style that came in the car originally! Here's a little update on the ol' shit box. Hoping to have it in clear really soon? Then I can put all new seals on, and make some windows to throw in there. Assembling things will be strange! Let's start it off with some Instagram snaps, 'cause I'm all over that iPhone 5 shit now! Follow a mother fucker @pushin_raftz I made a new harness bar and got the cage all done. I dropped it off at the powdercoaters today, so I should have it back either tomorrow or Wednesday!
  8. I only got a new mount because my factory rubber one was all but destroyed. I might just get one of those top-mount style ones that was posted just up the page. Whitehead brought that diff in from Japan because trying to get things from the States is a joke. We get absolutely raped on shipping charges, and then duty once it comes across the border. It was easier for me to just drive an hour to pick this one up once it arrived.
  9. Well, that's a god damned pain in the ass! Thanks for the heads up.
  10. You sure they meant the crossmember, and not the old rubber mount itself? The crossmember is made of a few plate steel - albeit Datsun steel - it would take a hell of a lot to try and break that thing. That mount you posted is intriguing, however.
  11. I got that one from the Z Store. I had originally tried to buy one from Dave at Arizona Z Car, but he was REALLY not interested in shipping to Canada - he was actually a huge dick about it, so I just gave up trying with him.
  12. Had to dig this thing back from the depths of hell. I've still been slaving on it, just nothing worth taking pictures of. I've ordered a crap ton of parts, just slowly trickling in now. Good news is that my diff finally arrived at Whitehead from Japan! :) The best part? 4.11's ! Got a solid diff mount for 'er, also. About to do a little more online shopping while I'm in the spending mood, haha!
  13. If I was a girl, I'd like the etching. If a girl backs it, what further convincing do you need?
  14. Fuck, this car looks great! I really wish they made a 235/45 in 15's, 'cause I can't fit a 50 wall back there - and this car looks ridiculously good with 'em!
  15. I was using my torch to get the epoxy warm enough to separate from the body, and then acetone and brake clean was added to the mix. Figured it could make for a cool picture. I don't think I was wrong, haha.
  16. Got my coilpack cover back - all nice and vented now! Decided I'd had enough and torched the car.
  17. I'd like to say yes - except likely not with this incarnation. Plans include gangster manifold, a small billet-wheeled, ball-bearing top mount turbo, AEM EMS, and nitrous. I'd like to see 280 - 300whp, plus a 50 shot for shits and giggles.
  18. I'd prefer it wasn't in pieces, haha! But, thank-you! Thank-you! I'm really psyched on how it came out. I'm sure the strength of this floppy shell increased 10-fold by having this thing in there.
  19. You're god damned right it does. Thanks again, by the way! :)
  20. UPS dropped these off for me this afternoon! I had to spend a couple extra hours at work this evening, so I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but it's somethin'. Got both the door bars finished. I can now pull the whole cage for powdercoat! Stuck the light outside and got busy taking some more of 'er down to the metal. Progress will resume again tomorrow!
  21. Based on the photos you posted in that other thread, and a glimpse at the build quality of your previous cars I'd say this '68 is in great hands. Looking forward to following it along!
  22. Had a bit of an epiphany and realizations of expectations while I was working on this heap the other night. In short - I need a new shell. But, the intelligent thing to do is finish the car as I have planned and enjoy it for a few years while I build a new shell. I really truly want an IMMACULATE shell to start with that will be worthy of a caustic bath, full stitch-welded chassis, full cage, base clear from top to bottom; the whole works. The nice thing about this build is that most of the money is in transferable parts, and obviously my time spent. That's not to say that I've wasted my time and efforts on this chassis, because I really don't think I have. This has been the biggest project and learning experience I've ever taken on in my life, and I know I've still got months and months of work ahead of me to complete this thing to my standards. I do feel better knowing that while I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor with this shell, that in a few years down the road I'll be able to reshape it from a new shell that will be built to last as long as I will. Enough with my sob story, though, here's some efforts from the weekend. Finished up my passenger side bar, and boxed in the mounts. Began prepping the shit box for paint. This car isn't going to be getting any expensive products, unfortunately. I stripped all the old door and hatch seals, removed the windshield and hatch. The quarter windows and hatch glass are going to be recreated from Lexan. One of my favorite things about new cars is fresh glass, so I'll be replacing my windshield while I'm at it. I put all the multi-link in and pushed it outside to strip 6 layers of paint and about 100lbs of epoxy off the car. Found my final ride-height, and took some teaser pictures. Hey, lookit that handsome chap sandin' away! ;) The best thing about the new lower arms is that I can actually get my wheels stood up. I'll be up a couple nights this week to take the entire thing down to the metal. Hopefully get it painted within the month.
  23. I was only being facetious, but I like the way you think! :)
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