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Everything posted by Rustbucket

  1. I have the perches pretty well touching the bottom of the collar with about a half inch of droop on the front springs. The rears are no problem - just get the perch touching the bottom collar. Based on that photo, I'm not sure you'll be able to spin the perch up that high.
  2. What lower perches are you using? You've gotta understand that your knuckle mounts way further down the coilover than an S13 because of the suspension design in the S30's.
  3. If at any point you yank the downpipe off again, might I suggest a proper ceramic coating? Not cheap, I know, but having it coated both inside and out, along with your heat wrap will make a world of difference - could also save the seals in your master. Exhaust and carpet look great, though! :)
  4. Fancy seein' you here! I was genuinely so bummed to see that your car got nicked. You picked up awfully quick where it left off, though - I've got faith!
  5. I appreciate it more than ya know. Cheers!
  6. Finally had some fucking success this evening! Diff is up in there for goodness... Until I have to run my brake and fuel lines again, haaah!
  7. This mount will be the death of me. Just kidding, but it's been a little frustrating - hopefully it'll be all done with tomorrow. I left the diff sitting on the crossmember with a piece of wood jammed underneath to keep the weight off the bolts in the diff cover. The nuts where the new mount is supposed to bolt in are totally fucked. Opposed to welding in new ones, I've just bitched some scrap bolts in to the holes to keep the mount in place while I weld the the damned thing in. I've cut the e-brake tabs from above it, so dropping the diff out is a piece of cake. I would have finished it up this evening, but I wanted to ride my bike and then go shoot some pool. Update will follow tomorrow - but here's where I left it. Everything is just loosely bolted up so I could get it all in the right spot.
  8. Thank-you! I'm actually putting wider R1R's on the back of this thing after the initial burnouts. 205/50 on a 15x9.5J, and it will have a 225/45 on a 15x10J (currently a 215/50). A few inches, I believe. Adjustable arms are a necessity if you plan to lower your car and maintain any sort of alignment. Your car will drive like absolute garbage without 'em.
  9. Sell me your wheels they said. It'll be for the best they said... Sells wheels, never drives car. :( Cheers! Get one. You will definitely not regret it.
  10. Definitely, but I do like the boso cars quite a bit! This car really isn't low enough, or have stretchy enough tires on wider wheels to be a 'shakotan' car, but it's definitely got a faux-shakotan look going on, haha. I just needed a little bit of flavour in the title after swapping names from 'My '72 Shitbucket'!
  11. My garage is totally enclosed, and insulated pretty well for the most part, so there's really low moisture in there. I haven't done a thing to the panels since I've stripped them and there's not a single sign of oxidization happening on any of the panels. I'm sure under different circumstances it wouldn't take long for the metal to get hazy. If you're gonna have it outside I would definitely treat it with diesel, or some take some sort of preventative measure to protect the exposed metal.
  12. Datsunfreak hit the nail on the head!
  13. Cheers! Long cruises at the beach are easily the highlight of my summers.
  14. Mocked up the mount on the bench. Shit don't fit! Now that shit fits! That's all for this evening, but it was a surprising amount of work to get it that far. Will finish up the install tomorrow, likely - or maybe Sunday.
  15. As promised, I put in some god damned work this evening. Been in quite the routine after work this week 'cause I finally sprung for some rollers. Evenings consist of cardio, followed by car work - so far it's working out great! Also been making some headway with the Honda, which is always splendid. The exercise I speak of; And, tires and short-shifter for the CR-Z! :) Started the night by welding up the 4.11 R180 I picked up, and then sealed it up. Just have to pick up some gear oil tomorrow! This shit is burnout approved.
  16. Haha, if you would have seen it in person you definitely would not have. But, thank-you! Thanks very much, dude. I used S13 Megan's with a kit I found over on the Hybrid Z forum a year or two ago. Definitely cut the perches down if you're trying to get low. I sectioned my threaded perches a substantial amount to get the car as low as it is on S13 stuff. I finally found myself back in the garage last night welding up some crush cans for Ben's Rover and I think it may have been the spark I needed to dig back in to the Z. I really need to put my mind to it and hunker down. I think once the Honda is sitting pretty I'll be that much more psyched to get the Datsun out in the driveway beside it. That being said - I hate bumping this thread without picture updates. Here's a promise for some content later this evening!
  17. Look nice and straight to me! Regardless, I figured I'd chime in and let you know how pumped I am on this car. I haven't touched my Z in weeks, but it's nice to come on here and find inspiration for when I do muster up the motivation to dive back in. Keep it up, padre!
  18. Thanks for the kind words! Thankfully, the welder only sat in the shelter for a maybe a week. It was one of the first things I brought in to the garage when I had space.
  19. Thanks very much, guys. I think the break from it will serve me well in the long run! Right? I was beyond stoked when my mom handed those over. I'll post up a photo of the Honda come spring time. Right now it's just a stack of parts piling up.
  20. Same to you, padre! To be completely honest, I haven't done much at all - been really burnt on the car lately, and haven't cared to do anything worth mentioning. The winter has me a little bummed out, and seeing the car in it's current state is easily one of the most discouraging sights to witness as I enter my garage. I hate to sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself, but I just can't help but think I'm in over my head. I'm trying to take some time off from it, and just stick to fooling around with the new Honda until working on the Datsun can be enjoyable again. I went round to my mom's place before she left for England, and she had an early Christmas present for me that I'm trying to play up as motivation; Cheers, man. I'll try and keep it updated when progress resumes.
  21. These are actually incredible! Makes me wish I was still at the old shop with an entire container of metal.
  22. It's good to hear this stuff. I've never had to dick around with painting a car, so most of this is greek to me. It's tough trying to decide how much effort to put in to a shell that will eventually see a garbage can. Experimenting on it is fun, though, without having to be terribly concerned about the consequences.
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