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Status Replies posted by dirtboy411

  1. all i want for my bday is her covered in whip cream served on my datsun!!!

    1. dirtboy411


      gotta break it in. hahaha. and its my bday. but most likely not happening, ive been at work since 330am and gonna be here til 8pm. my plans for today shot to shit :(

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. my great dane passed away tonight :( hasnt really sunk in yet, still expecting her to be in my face when i wake up

  3. FUCK APPLE!!!! Why The Fuck did they not include a select all function on the iphone????!!?!?! Im getting really tired of deleting 300 emails a day one by fucking one!!!! AHHHHHHHH - rant over, sry

    1. dirtboy411


      my iphone 3gs deletes multiple emails at once. lol. gotta mess with it my 4g i had did it too.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. holy crap. been at work since 230am. had 2 hours of sleep. just wanna pass out now but probably gonna stay another 2 more hours. damn i wanna go home and play with my car. :(

  5. Anyone on here ride bmx? if so can you guy find me a 9 tooth freecoaster wheel? I will ship you my wheel for a straight trade if you can find one. I smashed my other and now i need another!!!

    1. dirtboy411


      ummm is it the reverse khe or the astern khe. one is adjustable through the axle and the other isnt. astern is reverse isnt. my bro runs federal but that and the reverse are the same thing i believe.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. spent last night trying to re-lace my bike wheel. Then I found out my spokes are too long! One day I will get the pattern I want.

    1. dirtboy411


      check into doing different crosses. like 3 cross, 4 cross. more the cross the shorter you can make the spoke or vis versa. if ya didnt know. hopefully this makes up for earlier. lol. just trying to help out a fellow biker.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Anyone on here ride bmx? if so can you guy find me a 9 tooth freecoaster wheel? I will ship you my wheel for a straight trade if you can find one. I smashed my other and now i need another!!!

    1. dirtboy411


      a freecoaster is old/new setup to hubs. old meaning pedal brake and new meaning dont have to pedal backwards when going fakie. if ur ghetto and cant afford the 250$ hub you can turn a coaster brake into one. its kinda cool. ive done it. lmfao. bored at the bike shop and youtube get you doing some stupid stuff

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Anyone on here ride bmx? if so can you guy find me a 9 tooth freecoaster wheel? I will ship you my wheel for a straight trade if you can find one. I smashed my other and now i need another!!!

    1. dirtboy411


      lol sorry wasnt trying to be a dick. i worked/ ride for a bike shop and have been riding bmx for well over 20 years. been riding fixedgears for a couple years also. i dont hate on any two wheel bikers or ratsuners lol. i would love to hit some downhills mtb trails to. hahaha.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Anyone on here ride bmx? if so can you guy find me a 9 tooth freecoaster wheel? I will ship you my wheel for a straight trade if you can find one. I smashed my other and now i need another!!!

    1. dirtboy411


      ^ this guy doesnt have a clue. where abouts do you live. i ride myself. my bro might have some freecoaster parts laying around. what do you need for it.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. court in 4.5 hours.... going to the bar was a good idea!!!!!!

    1. dirtboy411


      hahaha i just got out of court. fight the system. damn cops. wrongful tickets. lol.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. so i got another semi good set of tail lights today, just dont tell my mom im cleaning them in her living room adn kitchen sink with her brush for the dishes lulz

  12. PDX ratsuners! come get a tattoo today! its a slow day at the shop. come to angle ink in oregon city and ask for Alicia. get a 10% Ratsun discount!

    1. dirtboy411


      stupid question but whats a pm dang it. lol. i would love a scetch or something.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. PDX ratsuners! come get a tattoo today! its a slow day at the shop. come to angle ink in oregon city and ask for Alicia. get a 10% Ratsun discount!

    1. dirtboy411


      got any nice 411 scetchs i could possibly take a gander at. my buddy does my tatts. and im lookin towards a 411 being my next tattoo possibly inside bicep underpit area. lol. already got a bear on a high wheel down my side :) that was a bitch.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. PDX ratsuners! come get a tattoo today! its a slow day at the shop. come to angle ink in oregon city and ask for Alicia. get a 10% Ratsun discount!

    1. dirtboy411


      man. why all the way in oregon. got a shop in socal. lol.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. This is to the hole that never heals,The more you rub it the better it feels,Not all the soap and water in hell. Can was away that fishy smell.

    1. dirtboy411


      thats a good round of words to celebrate with. congrats. i know how that is. i threw a party. hahaha

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. i never said i was an expert at this. lol. its my first. and ima die with this car in my hands before anyone else besides my future kids get it. damn it. :)

  17. This is to the hole that never heals,The more you rub it the better it feels,Not all the soap and water in hell. Can was away that fishy smell.

    1. dirtboy411


      hahahah i got it. thTs shits funny as hell. great pick up line if you ask me. hahah. ima use that one.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. plans for the summer. glad my house is a composite shop. silver carbon 411 hood and trunk in the drawing plans

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