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Everything posted by motavated

  1. ^^^^^ HAAHHAH! Its fucked up but I was expecting an upgrade! Well you did make it more ratty.... Damn that sucks...
  2. SO how much total? I asked before and they wanted like 450$? They crazy... <_< That is how much i got the truck for!
  3. Get a Mexican Blanket! The look pimp...
  4. motavated

    canby 2010

    Hey thanks man! But we are in comp for the Ratsun award! I dont think i will win since well you would be hard to beat, but stilll.... LOL! Thanks man. I am more afraid that I get stranded in SF and I cant go to Canby or home! :unsure: What about all three! You know I got your back. :cool: You going? Lets go together! That can take some fear from me.... BONVO!!!!! You gotta go man!!!!! I might be driving like 1000 miles and stuff... Mmmmmm Nooo.... <_<
  5. Yeup! I want the drop spindles next! Can I have yours pleeeeease!!!!! :wub: Or else! :ninja: HAHAHAH!
  6. Here is a pic... of the door. It was far gone but it was still a good door.
  7. Sorry I junked everything. The window was good and everything. I broke the glass to be sent to scrap... Only the shrow and the suspension is left... I could get other stuff... What exactly are you looking for?
  8. Yeah that cool. Would suck if we would just go to meets and just get down and shit. LOL!
  9. Your right. I wont lie you makes sense. But see you dont need the seat either I am guessing and that is why its for sale. But I agree than anyone can make the offer and you can say yes or no, its your seat. I just simply implied that it priced too high and suggested to bring it down a notch. But you got upset..... I am just was throwing out its real value. Now was I trying to take your sales? NO.... I just wanted to let you know that you might not sell it for that high a price and or OBO...
  10. The only thing I have left I think is the fan shroud... I have the kind pin suspension complete for sale for a 1974 Datsun 620 in good condition. Its pending SALE!!!! but I am throwing it out there in case he backs out... It comes with the 3 hubs. brakes, drums, control arms, spindles, the whole thing minus bushings. Might even include NEW front brake pads if interested!!! No sway bar...
  11. If bench seats are that much then mine that is almost perfect should be worth a fortune! I was practically giving one of mines away and no one wanted it and so I junked it. It was in the same condition as yours. I am just saying that your not pricing is not right. Good luck with sale. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/5872-ok-parts-for-sale-and-given-away-project-near-completion and no I didn't modify my old post... I was giving it away for freeeeee! That how cool I am...
  12. Is that yours? Not trying to be rude but you can get some decent ones from the yard for that price. I got a 620 seat for 12$ at the half of sale...
  13. motavated

    canby 2010

    IF I drive there from Los Angeles... Will any ratsun member back me up if I dont make it?
  14. Yes, please post up pics. I need some new lights.... The sealed beams are not really good by todays standards.
  15. I was going to steal some of the chrome off it till bee got me the parts I needed!
  16. Well I will see what I can do. He would probably want another engine for trade. He said that he would not part it out... SO I guess.... Its going to get destroyed after all, maybe.
  17. There was this 620 in this parking lot for a year or more and I wanted to ask if the man would sell it. It was just like my truck but with a better body. I left notes and shit and one day I seen someone trying to move it. I pulled over and asked... Is this truck for sale? NOOOO!... Well do you need help?..... No. I got it. So I just got on my car and left. I bet its just rusting elsewhere.... I bet he moved it from all the people asking if it was for sale!!!! LOL!
  18. Kami said 1200... Looked them up and he was right. +1 For that one! And you wanted to ban him. SHAMe! 30$ new and that is a steal compared to the Taiwan pieces of shit plastic ones on ebay. http://www.new-datsun-parts.com/datsun-1200-parts-interior.html Now you know!!!! Its not rare anymore huh!
  19. SO no one interested? Its going to get destroyed.
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