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Posts posted by ddrum

  1. If you go through the Z24 engine build thread I'm still not done with, you'll note there is a big problem with piston rings from all manufacturers these days. Half the time you put them in and they're too wide. I filed down .030 over rings to fit my .020 over bore for that very reason.


    I still go by the Datsun bible specs: .004 for each inch of bore on the top ring, .003 on the second ring. Multiply those two and you'll have the desired end gap.


    Not trying to thread jack but, the same thing has been happening to me i bought a set of std Hasting piston rings for my L20b and the ring gap is too wide, then i bought some Sealed power and they are a little tighter but not tight enough. And i dont know where to get .25mm over rings.

  2. I'm starting to reassemble my l20b and I already checked the oil clearances using plastigage and everything is fine. I put the center main bearing cap and torque it to 40 ft lbs. I pushed the crankshaft forward and my filler Gage which starts at .004 inches, did go in. I pushed it back and the filler Gage didn't want to go in.


    My brother recently rebuilt his Dodge 318 and the same thing happened when checking end play. Only one side cleared, but he said that was fine since everything was under standard specs on his engine. My crankshaft on the other hand, has been shaved .25mm only on the main bearings.


    So my question is, does the crankshaft end play have to clear on both ends? or am i going to have to take it back to get machined?


    Thanks, Erick

  3. I'm about to rebuild mine with new rings, main bearings, and rod bearings, but i also have a brand new rebuilt head, what would you all recommend? i was thinking just drive it normally and don't rev it to much since i don't have a tachometer. Then just change the oil after 500 miles.

  4. when you press the brakes it makes a popping sound right? and then the truck feels like the brakes are dragging? this happens to my truck and it is because of my wheel cylinders (cheap Oreilly's quality) . The small cylinder inside the wheel cylinder pops out when i hit the brakes hard and they kinda get stuck for a little while.

  5. It's a Z20S block and pistons. Probably swapped to replace a blown Z20E motor. Thing is the flattop pistons are mated with a larger Z head on the Z20E. The Z20S used a smaller combustion chamber head to offset those dished pistons.


    Matt the truck Z20 motor also used the flattops and long rods but also the smaller cc head from the car Z20S (A10) to achieve a 9 to 1 compression.


    Z20E piston from 200sx



    Z20S piston from A10



    The Z20E, Z22 truck and Z24 heads are 57cc

    The Z20S from the A10 and the Z20 used in the 720 are about 45cc.


    what does that 34# on the piston mean? i just opened my 1980 L20b and the psitons have the same number on top.

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