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Everything posted by Jennifer

  1. woah scary!! glad you're okay :) :)
  2. hope everything turns out fine :)
  3. good morninggs :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jennifer


      time for you to go to the kitchenn!! snap snap lou.

    3. philcas1987


      It's more like "feed me woman!!!" haha

    4. Jennifer


      is there a market near by?

  4. good luckkk, crack some jokes.:D..don't fart out loud..if its inevitably coming..try to cough really really loud at the same time.
  5. thatss a honda n600!!!! ......could you get me the front windshield?......:mellow:
  6. yo....thats the last day of canbyy!!!! ill still be in canby yo!! :lol: so i won't make it :(
  7. my 4 year old cuzzo spelled datsun off my shirt thats flipped inside out..made me smiles.

  8. where are the pictures.... :poke:
  9. Jennifer


    i hope it drives good when i rebuild it too haha
  10. Jennifer


    haha rustina..you're too kind..dont get me bigheadedd hahaha
  11. ohh sorry, we are attending canby....
  12. Loves the people of ratsun!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jennifer


      Yes and catfuckers too...no pics cuz i break rules..like a bawse.

    3. Jennifer
    4. INDY510
  13. Jennifer


    im single with no children, im just excited to meet everybody!!! :D
  14. hell yeahh!!! And congratss!! :D
  15. Jennifer


    yes i did :D ... your girl must be bluee haha
  16. haha dorkk!! :lol:
  17. i'll have music :) hahah

  18. Jennifer


    i definitely don't look better than my carr hahah :lol:
  19. Jennifer


    hahah i smiledd at you !! :) hahah
  20. going to school for gerontology, im thinking thats the way to go for the moment. seattle, a nice change, my uncle asked me before to move up but i wasn't sure but i think it'd be nice to see new things, i have never been out of california except to reno, nevada.

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