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Everything posted by MachineMan

  1. Back in the day guys would port em', put expansion chambers on em',................ Truth is they were deadly fast.
  2. That blue Kawasaki 500 two stroke from when I was in High school (former fastest production bike available) The Kawasaki 750 two stroke from the same time frame (former fastest production bike available) And for fun the Honda 305 Scrambler, with TT pipes MM
  3. I intended to. Honest truth, what I did was post in the wrong thread. The post was acceptable, or it would have been taken down. I think we can agree that post should be moved. I think "moved", because with Jason Statham there is plenty of destruction. The movie takes place in America The post fits the theme of the thread.
  4. I remember the 250 enduro from back in the day. Same look as the picture above,..... by memory it was sometimes called a DT1 I was 17, so 50 years ago.
  5. Ok, you choose to drag this on, and on, and on,....... ok, fine. does an apology count if your poor form comment and ill will towards Canada was posted on Destruction and not Scammers on Ratsun? You have it backwards,.....but I really don't think anyone cares what you say one way or the other. No one's taking away your freedom to share and debate your opinions here No, that is obvious.,..... I simply stated that I am going avoid politics and focus on the little truck I'm fixing up and crack a few jokes. Somehow,......lord knows how, that set you off. nor is it my responsibility to make the decision to stay or go for you I "Granted" you permission to make that decision,...... so why are you dragging your feet? The beef between John and Mike here has been epic entertainment for years. I have "No Idea" who John is,.....? As I see it, you earned the shit you were given "As you see it?",.......I have a Great joke to slip in at this point,..... but I will take the high road and let it go. If you don't take this shit show personal, it's Way more fun. I chose to "avoid" the shit show and just focus on my little truck, again, no idea how my decision got under your skin. I already apologized, things were settled, then he decided to spike the ball after the game was over. So I called him on it. It was warranted, words from his own lips, "MM I was merely trying to get the last word in" And as for Canada, I never even mentioned Trudeau ,.... I just skimmed the surface of some personal experiences and some things that everyone likely knew about for a long time. Like the shop teacher with giant boobs. ~*~ I guess now is as good a time as any to give you a more complete idea of my background in forums. I was schooled, taught, and trained to post at the "Original Bastard Factory" Not today's paddy cake Bastard Factory, the one the feds shut down. These people here,........ Lets just say I still have my contacts with this unique group. I have been polite, I have been friendly, I have been reasonable. I posted something in the wrong thread,.... and I apologized. In short I have been nice. Para, if you can't move on, and stop Poking the Grizzly Bear with a pool cue, there's the real possibly that I will revert back to who I really am. You go your way,...... and like I said, I'm going to focus on my little truck, and avoid the political stuff. If you just can't climb down off my back, what happens next is "Not" my responsibility. Have a nice day MM
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