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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I think the dude is a shit ton more David Duke, than Antonio Fargas,, so even Barbara can't help with that joker.
  2. All i hear is blah blah women shouldn't be objectified they are humans,, i hate when men are looking at me like they would actually ENJOY having sex for pleasure and not to get something... TO THIS I SAY BOOM!!!
  3. Just make your brother give you a lift there, youngster. It's gonna be a good time,, weather man says it is going to be somewhat sunny, with no rain.
  4. Actually just piddled with it a few hours every day,, a couple small things a day, maybe one big one, pretty soon there isn't anything left.. I spent more time hunting bolt yesterday that putting them in .. Now i'm not saying leaving the driveline bolts laying along side the freeway is the biggest knuckleheaded move of all time ,,,, but it ranks right up there. :lol:
  5. Don't get all sappy you fuckin weirdo.. All me, Fat and Ted are doing is trying to get you to the Tacoma Leftys burger meet. And we don't help everyone but ( looking at you truck) it kinda shows you are not just a fly by Datsun dude ,, like alot of idiots lately. Lefty's FTMFW!! I wouldn't worry to much about them ,, eventually yes but not right this second, You will need to replace the U-joint closest to the rear end pretty soon ,, as it worn quite a bit.. It will make it till you get paid i'm pretty sure though.
  6. All i get is this.. Sorry for the tech trouble. “Build with Chrome” is an experiment that was designed with the browser Google Chrome in mind. As a result, it may not work perfectly in your current browser. For the best viewing experience, you can download Google Chrome and launch this site again, or go ahead and try it anyway. then when i click that off ( i was running chrome BTW ) it goes to a screen with stuff on it but when i click on any of it it takes me back to that screen again... How do you keep a Polack busy was a funnier joke, to tell you the truth
  7. It's nowhere near an hour from here if you take freeway
  8. Geeze,, Yelm is a good 40 minute drive one way or more,
  9. Well that's just great,,,,,,,,,, leave to the islanders to ban giant mutherfucking oranges,, now all we will be left with is,, small highly intense tangerines.
  10. it's raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock here right now.. the wind is supposed to pick up too 65 gusts ,,, so that should be fun.
  11. But hey at least it got stickers put on ,, and isn't that what's really important.
  12. Apparently,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we will be traveling with the circus up there.
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