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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Get a second rate European TV star to announce “He will send everyone in his country to die for it ,, if he has to” … then get JoeBiden to pay Ratheyon and Haliberten insane amounts of money to stop it .. then the killings that happen would be masterbaited to ,,,, by literally everyone!!! Yeah!!! Hillary 2024 .
  2. Juan-Ear brought over a old time dune buggy wheel he had half off… I got new machine last summer (Coats rim clamp) so thought ,, no sweat ,,,,, and I had a time of getting it the rest of the way off because the backspace was opposite way so much .. probably should have remounted and flipped over .
  3. He’s haulin ass and I’m hauling scrap to Tacoma
  4. At the Costco,,,, a while back .
  5. Courtney Love did it. . Leave Hillary alone!! She was our greatest president ever if Trump hadn’t wire taped her campaign . . I am so tempted to delete my account again. .
  6. Now throw out some technical psych terms dismissing my opinion . in the I’m so smart you can’t understand how incredibly smart I am diatribe that is expected ,, no ,, hoped for at this point .
  7. I posted the news links to show those that might have open mind as I was offended at your dismissing of Jays opinion merely because of the “ messenger .. How very Clintoesch of you so,,, you “say” you handed out tampons to middle school boys?? As that is what we are talking about here …As many as they wanted?? ( like in your words confetti). Really ? . that not only is a lie , it’s exactly why your dismissive left wing crap you are constantly defending as “independent” thought or if called out as horse shit it is .. “Oh I was trolling ,, haha ,, got you”. Is tired at best .
  8. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/education/oregon-schools-menstrual-dignity-act/283-82c2db79-367d-45a7-ba25-fd68b6d588f2 . In case you don't wanna click on the truth ^^^,, here's the headline from another tv station Oregon schools implement Menstrual Dignity Act, requiring free menstrual products The legislation was passed this year and requires all public schools offer access to free menstrual products in every bathroom .Notice the word PASSED
  9. https://kpic.com/news/local/oregon-public-schools-will-put-period-products-instructions-in-every-student-bathroom PORTLAND, Ore. (TND) — Schools in Oregon will soon be required to place menstrual products in all restrooms, including boys' restrooms, and Portland Public Schools are preparing to follow that requirement. The Menstrual Dignity Act, signed into law by Gov. Kate Brown, requires elementary, middle, and high schools to place the products in bathrooms along with instructions on how to use them, .
  10. I would do twitter ,, but I got kicked off and to lazy to make another account(s)
  11. He’s guy standing next to his 4x4 in distance.
  12. Tyrus Murdoch ( spelling?) was just mentioning this on Gutfeld the other day.. someone’s scared and unlocking things that shouldn’t have been locked in the first place.
  13. FAT510 was playing under porch when he was like 2-3 and ate a cat turd because he thought it was Tootsie roll candy .
  14. Jeremy Tuttle had a ton of doors ,, he is on facebook but not sure if he comes here.. He's in Vancouver wa Avatar looks like a guy pushing a motorcycle. .
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