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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I just happened to have to go out and close the garage door when i saw this. Only two are on my sons ,, but i assume there is four two long and two short. clip on the lip
  2. Huh,,,, and you would have thought all the childish negativity keyboard warrior troll bullshit would have left with, Loatso.... Guess not
  3. So i looked it up ,, it's the battery street tunnel on 99 ( north and south bound) that is closed all weekend,, and there is a Mariners game that starts at 1:00 tomorrow,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gonna be a hump through Seattle with that shit for sure..
  4. between this and the AT-ST ,, one of these days someone is going to have a helluva time mounting their wheel cylinder.. :lol:
  5. You guys shoulda went over to hillbilly golf with us,,, it's always a good time over there. Seems legit
  6. 5 1/2,,, :rofl: :rofl: It doesn't matter i honestly thought it was going to be just Ted, me and my sons,,, you and Dave were just bonus. And i think my doubts ,, were more about Franklin Delono Millersilvania
  7. It must have really good sites on it,, seems like golf balls would be very hard to hit.
  8. If you have golf clubs you should bring a couple,, we were thinking of hitting the hillbilly driving range after the drive and stop for pizza.. You obviously don't need ALL your frickin clubs and you can borrow one if you're going to be a crybaby about it.
  9. i think the real question would be who the fuck is Slager,,,,,, and why in the fuck was he on top of Scott?
  10. I'm stickin with painting mine with American colors. :poke: USA USA USA Can't wait for another MONTH!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
  11. Cough,cough,,,supra rims,, cough ,cough.
  12. 3rd time i've "liked" this picture today ,, :rofl:
  13. It's ok,, like those other threads ,,,,,,, he will probably never see it. :rofl: :rofl:
  14. This Saturday the 9th of MAY Route https://goo.gl/maps/NvwXg
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