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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Hey I didn't write the damn things Attaching a quote on this kindle thing sucks donkey balls. .
  2. Sorry but rules of calling a troll are clearly indicated in the internets rules on calling troll article c: section 35.6 states One can only call troll mid troll, or within a reasonable number of minutes after last argument has been posted. You clearly missed your window by posting almost seven hours later Thus,,, you are to late,, and we ain't buying yer shit. Thank you for playing. .
  3. See,, like i said, the poorly educated is at his threshold of knowledge and now is just going spout stupidity to "win" hahahaha . Garbage in garbage out...
  4. The only other place i go is a New Zealand site,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and guess what??? . That's where i got that fat people in scooters picture from, cuz their not PC crybabies,,,, but carry on there tinfoil hat boy .
  5. To bad you didn't get a real education and rely solely on spitting out enough garbage to where people just give up listening.. :rofl:
  6. I don't think you are using that word correctly ,, but carry on with your guessing about word meanings and such. .
  7. Doh-no i like girls ,,, but it is pointing to a hairy hole ATTENTION!! EUGENE PC POLICE!! I am in no way being homophobic or hateful of anyone that would rather buttfuck their golf buddies than the waitress at the 19th hole lounge. Sorry .
  8. Fuck you kohurts mental disability gets made fun of constantly on this forum,,, I have 2 sixteen year old boys that still wear fucking diapers so I can for a fact say even mods on here do it.... Being a fat pig isn't a disability in itself
  9. Duece-duece at the Snot Lick grocery and sundries This morning at breakfast over by the dump... Me and Chester both had the chilli omlettes,,,,,, not impressed. I think this truck works there. .
  10. Or just walk into minigolf place and purchase,,,,,,, then walk out.
  11. Yeah the front unlimited hydro canards on front aren't my taste either. Back ones that you asked about, don't affect me either way to be honest. Also my opinion...... There is so much black on car,, the stripe on hood seems to much, or redundant or something. The stickers make it look different than all the bazillion other 510s you see though so i kinda like them.
  12. 720 = The only real Datsun truck worth owning.
  13. Oh ,, yeah that would be a good hit for you ,, even if just saving them for future use or trading stock
  14. The wife said she could hold down the fort if i go with you, chester-molester and scalpum , And i had an idea last night,,, Chester and Scalpum could get a long trench coat and go as one person to make hotels cheaper. .
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