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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Follow up of the "new" Doody mobile ,, car is together and driving him to work at probably way to high of speeds now,, BOOM!! .
  2. junkyard owner said it was 82-83 200sx ,,, but it was in an 80 something customized 210 up on top of a stack of the crusher pile. He said it used to be his personal car and it ran a NapZ24 with a turbo.... Plate is bugged out to keep this secret stash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a secret. .We found another of the same setup still in 200sx but it is at the bottom of the crusher pile,,,,, in the mud. .
  3. Will there be a clown making balloon animals for the children? .
  4. And no they aren't for sale........... ever .
  5. Out here in Washington A10 windshields multiply like hobgoblins if you aren't careful.
  6. I can't do it,, so it must not be possible . Frenchman Alf Letourner's bike and land speed record. I believe the forks are reversed like that for high speed ( oh i know it's not as fast as you fat asses and old man can ride) buuuut i don't think anyone would have ever thought a 100 meter runner could start jogging about 15 yards out from finish line in the Olympics and still win by 10 feet or more,,,, but it happened and consistently ...... .
  7. No ,, he's been riding my jock in group text to drive over to his shop so he could make fun of it in person ,, and i go over there and he's closed. BUT ,, the boy went and payed for 6 months of broad form insurance and traded me getting his LS400 aligned for some tiny tires,, so maybe it will get out more than it does now.
  8. Avast ye numbskulls ,, it be that day again.
  9. By any chance did you buy your computer from a guy named Wayno?
  10. Took a picture before boarding his older brother 411 up in it's shed as it's supposed to rain , well, since this is Washington ,, till mid June.
  11. Hey man,,, I don't even know anyone named Earl . .
  12. When my middle son was shopping colleges a couple years ago he went to a couple like George Washington U. and Columbia,, where his cousin is going now,, and he said New York was way less scary feeling than Washington DC. He picked a University so different from those it's funny,, probably like a scared straight type deal . :rofl: :rofl:
  13. My wife's aunt Irma has been fucking shit up for years. .
  14. There's a thread about it from 2013 in the how-to section of this website,,,,,,,,, wanna see it ,,, here you go. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/55621-make-yer-very-own-aux-input/ got any pictures of that 510 limo? . ,
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