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wayno last won the day on March 6 2021

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  1. My computer failed a little while ago, I tried opening a google window to check my spelling and got a blue screen with white writing on it saying it shut down windows to protect my computer.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      yeah, i like my mac at work. and its a late 2009 model. at home we have an e-machines tower. nothing spaecial. has a dualcore, 4gigs of ram, 750gb HDD. never had an issue with it. windows 7 is easy as pie to use. its easier than shitville vista. i wont touch XP anymore.

    3. wayno


      I have XP, I have what I have, if it goes down, I will call someone in and then I will decide what to do, fix it or get new.

      I really am not computer literate at all, sometimes I have had to call my computer guy just to find out where my camera photos were, as the automatic setup got dumped after he fixed what was wrong that time.

    4. wayno


      English wasn't my best subject, but you guys understand what I am saying.

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