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wayno last won the day on March 6 2021

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  1. It happened again just now, I just clicked on a thread here in Ratsun, and someone wanted to put a cookie on my computer, has something changed on this Ratsun site?

    1. Npdavies.


      Wouldn't the cookie be the forum showing the thread has no unread posts after you click on it?

    2. Laecaon


      No nothing has changed. You computer is weird. But ratsun probably does have a cookie (how it knows how you are logged in every time you come back, or your info, or which threads you have read)

    3. wayno


      That is the thing, the cookie has nothing to do with ratsun, it's like I left ratsun and went somewhere else. I'll tell you exactly what happens, when you set your computer up for cookie prompting, then remove all your saved cookies, now your computer will ask if you want this cookie, then go to ebay, see if you can get anything done there, it will be non stop cookies, I have blocked maybe 20 cookies in a row, before I could get the chance to type in whatever I want to search for, the...

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