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wayno last won the day on March 6 2021

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  1. I was at a job site today, I forgot to take ibuprophen before I left today, a customer offered me some, I told him to drop a couple in my hand, 3 fell into my hand, didn't want to waste any, so I swallowed all 3 while he was telling me that they were 800mg each, thats when it clicked, I had just swallowed 2400mg of ibuprophen. Funny thing was I couldn't even feel it, and I swallowed them on an empty stomach.

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    2. wayno


      Well so far I have not had any effects of to large a dose, this stuff he gave me was from mexico, all I can say is when I was finished cleaning out his gutters, my back did not hurt, usually it does after being bent over for over an hour cleaning them out and going up and down the rickty ladder. I have been taking Ibuprophen since 1993 fairly steady, as I got carpal tunnel and the doctors told me to take 400 to 600mg a day, but I can't recall taking 2400 at once.

    3. Draker


      That is a pretty hight dose. But probably not unsafe.

    4. Siempreloco


      You can safely take a whole bottle of melatonin at once, I take like 4 5mgs with 25mgs of theanine in it every night to sleep.


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