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  • Location
    Edmonds, WA
  • Cars
    510 and 1972 521
  • Interests
    hiking, hunting, woodworking

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  1. Ha, it looks like the seat currently sitting in my kitchen too. I have some work to do on the truck before I can install it but I appreciate everyone's help (Mark, Ray and Steve) in bringing me this beautiful seat.
  2. Hope you can find a shop willing to rebuild it. I didn't have much luck in my area (Seattle) so decided to attempt it myself. It wasn't too difficult. Need some bearing pullers and a press is helpful. The F.S.M and some dime quarterly articles came in handy too. You may be able to find a used trans in your area by using https://www.car-part.com/.
  3. chukar

    Rebello engines

    I bought a L20B and rebuilt it that also had the oil filter bypass plugged. I assumed it was done to help with cleaning out the oil passages. From what I remember the bypass is not needed because most oil filters have a built in bypass. An OEM Nissan filter may be the exception. I would make sure that whatever oil filter you get has the built in bypass. I'm still learning so hopefully someone can correct me if I am wrong.
  4. Thanks for the input Mainer. I wasn't trying to simulate the twist of the torsion bar in the truck with the prop in that photo. I was having a hard time visualizing if it mattered which end of the bar is facing forward because I couldn't find the info in the 521 FSM. I'm going to dig through some other service manuals for Datsun trucks as Mike Suggested. For now I have place the markings towards the rear.
  5. Thank you both for the information. I attached another photo hopefully better showing why I was getting confused. If you rotate the rod on the left of the photo in the direction of the arrows and than flip that rod front to back and rotate it in the same direction, the arrows do not properly describe the rod's rotation. I trust both of you and will plan on installing the markings towards the rear. I'm just finishing up Mike's ball joint conversion on the 521. Thanks Mike!
  6. The front and rear splines are the same but I thought the twist would be different depending on whether the markings are towards the front or rear. Maybe I need to think more about this with a clear head. It makes some sense to me that the markings would be towards the rear since that is the visible part of the bar but watching the old "how to reindex video" on ratsun I don't see the markings at the rear.
  7. Hi, I'm rebuilding my 521 suspension and removed both torsion bars. I labelled the bars to keep track of the left vs right bar but then removed the circlip and the rear anchor arms. I failed to note the front and rear ends of the bars. Does anyone know if the markings on the torsion bar are towards the front (control arm) or towards the rear? I took photos when I removed the bars but there is enough dirt and oil on them that it's hard to tell. Here is a photo of the 521 markings after bars have been cleaned. Thanks
  8. Nice looking 240Z. Which I had more space. https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/d/seattle-1972-datsun-240z/7713272479.html
  9. Mike has already made the cad file available for free. Check out this site for the file. Thanks Mike! https://grabcad.com/library/l16-downpipe-exhaust-flange-1
  10. The NRG hub does move the wheel closer to the driver and this creates a larger gap between the plastic steering column shell and steering wheel. I think it is about a 1/2" gap. It doesn't look great. Some on here have created custom adapter to fill in the gap.
  11. Awesome shop Draker. Are you going to put a lift in there?
  12. This thread has some good information.
  13. I appreciate everyone's input. Thanks for all the possible ideas.
  14. Thanks Iceman. Based on it's location I think you might be right. You and Mike brought up two factors I hadn't considered (manufacturing process and shipping).
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