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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. All I see are numbers You know on a track, there's more to winning then impressive numbers? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIPBP-9TUnQ
  2. Dammit... late to the party on everything free Are the STD bearing for L20?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btViXvIDsi0&feature=player_embedded#at=246
  4. You mean color sanding? http://southrnfresh....r-sanding-paint
  5. lol it's the hot Georgia weather! Nissan discontinued them. I guess it's sheer coincidence that when I called, I got a Datsun owner on the phone? He got my number, and spend almost an hour researching. Very happy with my local Nissan dealer now.
  6. Wayno, you should get a video of that thing running! I'm kind of interested in the difference in sound it might have.
  7. Thanks guys! I'm on the phone with Nissan parts right now.
  8. :rofl: Anyways, This Friday, I'm going to buy back my ZX11 carbies, and mounting them sometime next week when I have the time.
  9. +1 reps! I wasn't gonna say anything, but I'm getting my ZX11 carbies back from the guy I traded for my Z20E. 80 dorra! Next week or so they'll be mounted. Any idea for jet sizes? Gonna drill em or find some?
  10. Welcome to Ratsun and congrats on the find! 411 parts seem a little more difficult to find, but they are very reliable, as were most Datsuns. Lightweight, small and low power, so gas mileage is obviously going to be great.
  11. [quote name='yello620' date='13 August 2011 - 11:05 PM' timestamp='1313301928' post='529398'] Your fluid might need changed, but your original description tells me that you did NOT fade the fluid. But you did fade the pads/shoes. Pedal fade and fluid fade are two different things. Fading fluid cause pedal height loss and no stopping. Pad/shoe fade is poor stopping power and a good pedal that doesnt stop the car no matter how hard you push on it. Common misconception about brakes, and some words of wisdom here. People replace the pads/shoes and think they have new-perfect stopping brakes. WRONG. New pads/shoes need time to seat(bed) into the rotor/drum to acheive full stopping power. Usually this takes about a 1000 miles. During this time, they will fade super fast. Now consider that most cheap Datsun owners did NOT have the rotors/drums machined, Now it takes even longer to seat the pads/shoes in. Another thing that contributes greatly to pad/shoe fade is the original quality of the product. Cheap parts, properly seated in will still produce this fade problem. Autozone parts are not going to cut it here(they are crap), and most lifetime warranty products will have this problem too. And unfortunately, most times, once newer pads/shoes have faded once, they are junk and need replaced. They just never seem to work completely correct after that. They work, but not as perfect as they should. So, moral of this story is buy GOOD parts and properly install them, then seat them in correctly. You still had a solid brake pedal, that would not stop. When you install really good parts and fade the brakes it is very different. Your good parts will withstand the heat of your driving until you reach the boiling point of your brake fluid, then the fluid compresses and your pedal will go all the way to the floor. Pedal will return after the fluid cools. Side-note on fluid. I have had good luck with Valvoline Synthetic Dot3/4 fluid. I dont know its boiling point(or care), it seems to work really well in street cars. I have no idea what it might do in a track car. [/quote] Whelp I think you answered all my questions! My pads are new, but came with the fully loaded calipers I put on, so quality is unknown, however I DO have new pads laying around so I'll find them and slap em on tomorrow. Rotors are also new, and drums were machined less then 1000 miles ago, which I suppose is a good thing. Shoes however, were replaced less then 2 weeks ago. Any suggestions on brands of shoes that you like? I am a noob in the parts world as far as quality brand shoes. [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"][size="2"][quote name='DTP' date='13 August 2011 - 11:16 PM' timestamp='1313302568' post='529403'] Buy a giant bottle of Brake Fluid ,,,, Bleed the shit out of your system (Gravity , Mighty Vac , or Friend's help you choose ) ,,, til it's very clear !!! ,,, takes a bit ,,, but it works [/quote] [/size][/font][img]http://community.ratsun.net/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif[/img][font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"][size="2"]Clear as a whistle already. But I got so much laying around, I'll do it again! lolz [/size][/font][img]http://community.ratsun.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img]
  12. My pedal was hard, but normal. Pedal travel was normal as well as resistance, however at the floor, there was very little stopping force. Very scary. Anything against using Synthetic DOT 4? I have ALL new brake hydraulics. Calipers, master cyl, wheel cyl, etc. I suppose it wouldn't be bad to use would it?
  13. Weren't street racing ;) According to the driver and passengers, they had just pulled onto the interstate as the Vette pulled out, saw the camera, and floored it (or something to the extent.) 600HP is a hell of a rush. Supposed to be a video coming up with the vette driver as they sat and waited for police.
  14. Poor Vette :( Too bad the driver was a..... "insert insulting word here"
  15. Freshly adjusted E brake, rear shoes, brand new hardware and all Very possible, and it was a thought of mine. Should I just crack the bleed screws and blow it all out and start fresh?
  16. But apparently, brains only go so far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd_7PVSuzew
  17. The hard braking was when I noticed it, but I'm sure all the stop and go down hill wasn't good for it. I found myself clutch braking all the way back. I was scary as hell, because I stepped on the brakes at 60mph and it didn't stop. Had my GF in the passenger seat, and I was more worried about her then anything else. Don't want her hurt. They didn't cool down too quick at all. The brake master was even hot as hell.
  18. Yup, sounds like my driving. I had some ass pull in front of me twice and I put my foot literally on the floor and almost rear ended them. i was extra cautious after that. Didn't expect them to go away so quickly. After 3 hours parked in the shade while monkeygirl did her modeling orientation, it was still hot. East coast summers=fail. Btw,
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