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Posts posted by iceman510

  1. 11 hours ago, Rustbin said:

    Hainz, I had seen hinges listed on Futofabs website but they are on backorder. My search brought up two results but I have no idea if they are any good to you. I will be refurbishing mine, maybe I should post here on how it goes.






    It's interesting that the Zedsaver look to be original parts refurbished and replated.  I wonder if they pay any attention to the differences.  There is no suggestion of different years being available.


    ZCarDepot parts are most likely the same as Futofab or anyone else sells.  I can't imagine there are multiple vendors out there making these.



  2. 3 hours ago, paradime said:

    Right, because you're well informed on Trump Social, and I'm just an ignorant Trump hater.  Phooey!!   



    Yes, very disturbing those right-wing crazies stalking Kavanaugh and threatening Amy Coney Barrett.  Oh wait...


    Right-wing nut shooting congress members at a softball game.  Oh wait...


    Your crazy-right wing congresswoman nepotism-specialist Maxine encouraging everyone to harass Trump voters, others saying never let people who support Trump have a job again.  Oh wait...


    FBI arresting the dudes here in Michigan for a supposed plot to kidnap our Governor/witch that were so unenthusiastic about it when not drunk the FBI plant had to give them constant pep talks to get them to stay interested in the plot.  


    Yea, the right is responsible for all the violence and rhetoric.  Maybe a lot of the rhetoric, but a lot of bluster (which of course the left is allowed to say in the mainstream media with impunity) and not much real action.  Oh, and don't bother to try and bring up the great January 6th trespass affair.  More info out this week that Capitol police perjured themselves on facts in the Proud boys case.  Dude claiming to be a witness to certain events wasn't even in the same building at the time.

    • Like 2
  3. Here in Michigan, my property taxes can only increase based on tax increment changes while I own the house.  The assessed value can increase, but not the taxation based upon it.  When you sell the next sucker gets the new market valuation as the assessment "uncaps" and taxes become based upon it.  Some of the same problems remain with inflated values, but not continual valuation increases being taxed.  My home value has gone up approximately 70% in 9 years, but the taxes only about 10% or so.


    I can't remember exactly how it worked in Illinois where I lived previously, but I stayed out of cities and lived in a small town or rural areas where my taxes were usually half or less for more property.  Limited services, but most cities you don't get garbage, water or sewer for your property tax payment anymore anyway.

    • Like 2
  4. 13 hours ago, datsunfreak said:


    In case it wasn't obvious, that was by design. 😉



    I was going by the textbook definition...



    I believe (perhaps falsely?) that in my usage of "good" as a modifier for "shift boot", it is then an adjective. 


    Grammar nazis unite!



    I figured on the "ir".  Another one of those words people use that think it makes them "sound smart".


    You're right on good being an adjective used that way. 


    • Like 1
  5. On 2/26/2024 at 12:15 PM, datsunfreak said:


    Drop the "pretty" and just say "it turned out well". Stick to using "good" as an adjective before, not after. For example, "it turned out to be a good shift boot, irregardless of my skills". 




    Adverb vs. adjective.  All was well until you inserted that irregardless mess.  🤣

    • Like 1
  6. 21 hours ago, carterb said:

    My wife got us a new toy for the racecar:




    Looking forward to setting this up and playing with it at the track day preceding our next race in April. 


    Wow!  What a generous wife.  I have been considering one of these, but $$.  

  7. Go to this site for OEM Nissan parts and put in the part numbers.  The 411 is shown in the graphic, but almost nothing will show as available if you look at the diagrams.




    If you check the part numbers, often the description with be wrong or weird, but it will show if available.


    411 example page:  https://parts.nissanusa.com/a/Datsun_1967_411/_50018_10800330/REAR-SUSPENSION-AXLE/410_1_282.html

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  8. 10 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

    Here is a little game I play with NPR which I used to enjoy but has become the gay/race channel. I turn off NPR whenever a gay/race subject comes up which usually means 23 seconds of play until I am off to another channel. Still try to catch the BBC news hour and weekend shows. Sadly car talk is gone.


    I find that amusing, since I use a local classical station with NPR in the morning for my alarm clock.  Sometimes when it goes on, I only need to hear 3-4 seconds of their drivel before I hit the snooze or turn it off.  Unfortunately my better classical station is out of range of the bedside radio.


    And by the way, since you seemed to reject TDS as a legitimate thing, take NPR for an example of being afflicted.  Since 2016 they have done nothing (like all Democrats) but go after Trump and report negatively on anything Republican.  As you noted in your post (I like that gay/race channel moniker👍), they have become considerably more extreme in their topics and reporting.  Not to mention, 50% or more of their hosts have to have three pretentious names.


    Different angle, but same subject.  Try watching PBS for an hour in February without being beaten about the head with "bad white man, white man bad" rhetoric.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, nathan.is.an.idiot12312 said:

    been listening to NPR and theres actually a decent chance trump might get reelected so you might owe me some land hhahahaa


    I'm sure National Pretentious Radio has been sounding the alarm bell quite loudly.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. The threaded base should be ground with the center terminal powered if wired properly.  Not sure I fully understand the limited access restriction extent, but could you re-rivet that base into the plastic portion?  Maybe no room for a rivet gun handle.  


    Can that black plastic part be removed to facilitate repairs?

  11. 20 hours ago, 4perrev said:

    Quick update, the long rod L18 is complete with ARP connecting rod bolts, ARP head bolts, A87 peanut head, and 200 SX pistons.  


    Just a question for clarification.  in your earlier post August 27, 2020 you called the piston an L18 0.020 overbore, now you mention 200SX pistons.  Since the L16 rod is about 3mm longer than the L18, wondering what is different or unique about the piston to keep the overall assembly length ok.  I assume you are using an L18 crank?

  12. 11 minutes ago, shlammed said:

    The starter goes forward on the Honda engine. The Subaru trans starter hole gets blocked off


    Ah, I see it now. I didn't pay attention to the adapter fit to the block.

    • Like 1
  13. I should have built one of those jigs to do the bottom of my car before I put the whole interior and glass back in. 😠


    How are you planning to mount the starter?  Looks like it originally went backward from the bell housing flange.

  14. 18 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:



    @iceman510 I appreciate the offer on the aluminum flywheel, but I will buy a new steel one if I can't find a used one. I think we'll run a dual 7.25", but I'm considering a dual 5 clutch. I got one good usable L18 short block, and an L20B, which I will use as trade value with Troy or Rebello. Two of the head cores I got are crap. One is a 210 and another a W58, but I'll rob the cam towers and rockers and scrap the castings. The two other heads are buildable A87 peanut heads. As far as the short block goes, all I'm going to use is the block and caps, the crank and the front cover. If you guys need any stock L18 internals...



    You have me thinking now, is it aluminum or steel?  I will get out there later today and take another look.  I will try and text you a picture or two of what I have.


    I might be interested in the 210 casting if it is good and flat, or any of the screw-in rocker pivots and/or springs if you aren't planning to keep them.  I have a couple heads I received with my race car that are almost completely bare.  Also might be interested in the L18 stock pistons, maybe the rods.

    • Like 1
  15. I switched from a Holley red and Holley low pressure adjustable regulator to a Carter pump on my race 510 last fall. I think the Holley was working fine, but I was having real pressure inconsistencies on my gauge.  That said, my set up is also fuel direct to dual sidedraft Webers 45's, then return line to a regulator and back to the tank.  Lots of line.  Gauge is reading off the regulator, but I don't think it is reading right or my understanding of the setup in incomplete/inaccurate.  I get a good 3.5 psi at start of day, but it fluctuates and drops as the track sessions continue.  I actually replaced the regulator too and disassembled it.  Can't find anything wrong.  Really just an FYI for your consideration with the return line setup.


    This spring I plan to play around with it some more and perhaps try to measure the FP at the carbs directly to see what's happening.  I never had any starvation issues even when on the straight at 100 mph and would see my fuel gauge reading 0.5 psi!😱

  16. I have a spare Al flywheel that came with my race car, but with a mix of L18 and L20 B parts, I will have to look what bolt # it is.  What diameter clutch are you looking for,  7"?


    All the engine parts L18 stuff? 


    What are you looking for in an R180?  I have a couple units, but likely not directly usable for what you need.  One is early Z 3.36 ratio, and I have another that is a 3.90 I believe with a welded center.  If you are just looking for housing and gears for a Quaife or something, I can probably help out.



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