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Posts posted by iceman510

  1. 13 hours ago, paradime said:


    Still driving home your English lesson on pointless semantics? Sorry, not acknowledging your attempt be provocative.


    All JWs identify Christ as their savior just like any other.



    Not trying to be provocative, and I disagree it's pointless.  Exacting words matter.  I could have been more specific about the terrorist/fundamentalist factions discussed earlier.


    Your personal experience may differ, but I won't agree that JWs are Christian.  The historic creeds of Christianity affirm the divinity of Christ and the Trinity.  JWs do not acknowledge or believe either, despite the position of agreeing with some aspects of Christian belief.   

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  2. 6 hours ago, paradime said:

    Catching that misspelling is proof of my intellectual inferiority, so I'll admit that makes me human. It's still a broad generalization to suggest a minority like those fundamentalists who undertake terrorism represent all Muslims and forms of Islam are the same, when clearly they're not. There's Sunnīsm, Shīʿīsm, Ibadism, Quranism, Non-denominational Muslims, Mahdavia, Ahmadiyya, Nation of Islam, Sufism, and none are the same. It's like saying Jehovahs Witnesses represent all of Christianity. 


    Damn, I didn't know you were a feminist. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has damn good reason for criticizing Islamic fundamentalism. What's your reason? 50 years ago Ayaan's Dad fought for Democracy in Somalia, and was in-prisoned for speaking out against the autocratic government. Without his protection, Ayaan's genitalia was mutilated by her Muslim fundamentalist grandmother. This was her personal experience, and it informed the logic and reasoning for her work as a liberal writer and activism. 



    Not a misspelling, it's the wrong word.


    I don't believe I ever implied or stated explicitly that "all Muslims" act the same.  That is your incorrect extrapolation.


    FYI, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian by definition.  Not a good analogy.


    Sorry, not acknowledging your attempt be provocative.  I don't think anyone needs to be a feminist to understand her position on fundamentalism.  It goes far beyond FGM.  My reasoning is not simplistic, but basically fundamental governmental Islam is not compatible with western values and its continued acceptance is our midst is a recipe for disaster.


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  3. On 5/24/2024 at 12:21 AM, paradime said:

    I don't think anyone here is saying this is genocide, so were is this coming from? Making broad generalizations about Muslims this way sounds like your judgements are passed the point of reason.


    I know you want to continue the position that you alone are the rational, logical one here, but I suggest you reconsider.  Stating that their faith does describe their actions for those fundamentalists who undertake terrorism against the infidel is not beyond reason, nor is the fact that the social structure of Islamic cultures adhering strictly to the tenets of Islam does encourage certain types of behaviour.   Have you ever listened to a word Ayaan Hirsi Ali has said? 


    By the way, the correct word is "past".  It wasn't a test.

    • Like 3
  4. 14 hours ago, paradime said:

     I would add, what's mind numbingly stupid is showing no empathy for these beleaguered Palestinian civilians as though they are guilty and subhuman, simply for being Muslim.



    I don't think no empathy is being offered or shown by those who desire to make it clear Israel's actions are not a genocide.  It also is not because they are "simply" Muslim.  Their faith explains their actions, not necessarily the actions of the adversary, or their "friends" for that matter, whom you accurately pointed out are not too keen on helping or encouraging refugees. 


    I don't want any "innocent civilians" to die either, but truth be told their social system breeds support and commitment to the killing cause, with payments to suicide bombers families, rewards for killing Israelis, schools that teach only to radicalize etc.  Begs a reexamination of the concept of innocent given the circumstances.


    There are consequences for their political choices, as with most peoples and governments throughout history (when the people have any choice at all...).

    • Like 3
  5. MIke, you claim you don't watch the news, but you have apparently absorbed the false propaganda number of Palestinians killed.  That info is from Hamas themselves, and most reputable sources say it is an outright lie.  I won't shoot you any links because you won't read them. 


    And since you only value your own truth/opinion, just know you have been co-opted.  Your portrayal of Israel's actions is, if not entirely non-factual, utterly exaggerated and pejorative.  It's war.  Israel did not ask for it.  Hamas did.  They received it.  The false sympathy just encourages them to more terrorism.

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  6. No intentional bias and/or falsified info in that publication:


    Many Republicans in Congress have been staunch supporters of Israel's military actions in Gaza, where Israeli forces have killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, levelled civilian infrastructure, targeted hospitals and schools, and also killed healthcare workers and journalists.

    • Like 2
  7. On 5/15/2024 at 12:49 AM, datzenmike said:

    It's not a diagnosis. They said analyzing. Watching someone driving all over the road, you don't need to administer a breath test to know they've been drinking.


    You might have to.  They are probably texting.

    • Like 2
  8. On 5/11/2024 at 4:02 PM, datzenmike said:

    Well, if you live somewhere broadly speaking you technically are a citizen. Illegal is just semantics. 


    This might just be the dumbest thing you have said yet.  All your blathering about Trump breaking the law, and then this.  🙄

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  9. On 5/3/2024 at 3:45 PM, Captain Safety said:

    I need a total head with cam and a rebuild kit bottom. i’ve had one of my buddy neighbors. It’s more handy look at it. He says it has a bad cam bad lifters think it’s a couple of them and bad rocker arms. Does anyone know where I can find parts for it? 


    Captain safety


    Can you identify which engine you have?  It's not hard to find Datsun L16 parts or rebuild parts.  I have lots of L16 parts. 

  10. On 5/1/2024 at 12:07 PM, iceman510 said:

    I have a Z22 head for you if you want it.  PM if interested and I can get pictures.


    When you are ready and able I will make you a killer deal on the head I have.



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