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Posts posted by iceman510

  1. Cam towers are not that big a deal.  The process is to install them on the head with the camshaft with the bolts snug.  Then you can hit them with a rubber mallet to settle them until the cam turns freely.  Fully tighten them, then check again.  I have had to do this a few times and it works.


    Typical cylinder head stuff like replacing seats, guides, etc., and doing a valve job should be considered even if you buy a different used head.  Unless you get something already done, no guarantee it might not need the same work.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/19/2024 at 6:58 PM, dimlight65 said:

    Just like the active-aero air brake a few pages back, this is very unlikely to ever happen... but I still gots to know.


    What do you think about running the livery from the Pink Pig Porsche 917 on the Dajiban?




    Or a whale, but then you will need a whale tail on the roof.

    • Like 2
  3. On 2/23/2024 at 10:54 AM, MikeRL411 said:


    Rear window for what? No info, no answer!


    Presuming as did TJ above that it is for a 510, as that is the section it is under.

  4. 1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

    Banks won't lend him money and that's the reason he had to inflate his worth. 


    Completely untrue in this situation.  His organization and the banks negotiated about the values of collateral for loans, which were made, and then all were paid back.  No defaults, no rejection of loan requests, no victim, no fraud.  Maybe you can explain why NY feels the need to get into complaining about business deals in which the parties had no issues themselves.  I sell you something, you agree to the price, you pay, I give you the goods.  Consideration accomplished, thus a valid contract.  Why should the state of NY care?

    • Like 3
  5. A few things to watch for.  The L16 manifold will readily fit the L20B cylinder, presuming that it is a rectangular port head.  Datzenmike will likely chime in and say it will fit a round port head as well, which it will bolt up, but not the best combination.


    Given the L20B block is taller, the manifold will end higher above the exhaust collector pipe, and connecting them may lead that exhaust pipe to hit the front floor/lower firewall.


    Also due to the height, you may have contact with the hood from either the valve cover, or air cleaner.  You did not mention what air cleaner assy or carb you plan to run.


    These all generally can be worked around with modifications, as thousands have done over the years.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, IZRL said:

    They live in a blue bubble and they're ok with that. 


    There is a famous quote from some New York socialite/dignitary (can't recall exactly who) that was uttered after the 1972 election where Nixon won in one of the largest landslide victories ever:  "I don't now how he was elected, I don't know anyone who voted for him".  That's most likely somewhat of a paraphrase, but point remains the same about a bubble.  

    • Like 2
  7. 47 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

    She had stacks of cash at least 6 months of living expense, but she was extremely broke at the same time she testified later on ha ha ha ha.


    She is a fucking hostile witness lol..

     She has a race guard, err I mean card. 


    I wonder where all the cash came from?  Couldn't be Open Society could it?  

    • Like 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

    Yes, 8x1.25. Didn't get a length, but I can.


    I am now thinking they were used on the giant CVs, not the driveshaft, but they work for driveshafts because I've used them there.


    OK, probably right.  I tried checking that bolt yesterday in the NIssan system and spec book, and could not match up those characteristics and part number with what Mike listed.  I will check that CV bolt. 


    I can see they would work as they appear to be shoulder bolts, other than the comment above on the flange size as there is limited space around the u-jt flange..

    • Like 1
  9. So are they 280ZX strut and spindle assemblies already?  The MK63 bolt directly to those.  Is that how they are mounted?


    I have a pair of Koni race front strut inserts BNIB I would consider selling if you are interested in those as Carrera replacements.  They should fit 280ZX strut housings.  


    Is it still running and L16?  I have various parts for those around if you need something.  

  10. Except the shifter is going to have to be shifted by a rear seat passenger.  Unless you remove and modify that rear extension.  71C already moves the shifter back substantially from stock and requires raising the tunnel.

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