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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. Both... Feel free to check my work... since it's Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Matters_for_America
  2. The top one holds absolutely no interest for me. I want to teach a girl like that about firearms as much as I wanna smash my toes one by one with a 5# sledge. I don't really do much competition shooting.... that part of gun culture locally, from my experience, is a bunch of ppl jerking each other off. I don't really like to have my ego stroked by strangers. It's not my thing. But, my opinion is just my opinion and your experiences may vary. I much prefer the tattooed chick that knows where the gym and the range are, and frequents them both without me.
  3. But still.... I too was expecting a hairy dude face... Post 2016 Meme War Disorder....
  4. Just in case you need a tow mate.
  5. The line on the bottom of the door is dangerous...
  6. The longer I'm in this thread... the more I realize I'd drive a lot of different shit.
  7. I don't actually know that girl, so it's fine. It's not like I can call you on having the exact same reaction I did.
  8. That's all you need right there. Then you can get one of these for old schoolness. I wanna use that to hunt water buffaloes in northern Australia.
  9. The site I pulled it off links back to this. http://jalopnik.com/the-ringbrothers-pantera-is-what-happens-when-nike-help-1556771485
  10. They always were dime. The founding fathers set it up as an oligarchy. The pieces they left out were filled in by the majority of presidents 1800-1900. Then you step into Wilson's presidency and shiiiiiiit gets weird. So it's not the last 25 years, it's been like this from the start. To "fix" it, you need the Republicans and Democrates to both go the way of the Whig, Democratic Republicans, National Union, and Federalist parties... I opted to only list the parties which were successful enough to have a president elected from them. We have a two party system simply because that's who's elected. It's not mandated.
  11. I suppose I thought Trump would have been bigger. Since they've now released this sex tape, I think 'Merica can finally put this election behind us.
  12. I'm telling you Jesse, they only work during the commission of a crime....
  13. Much more the type of woman I date.
  14. I know it comes in waves with me. When it surges it's all I can do to keep my head above water. I disappear off social media. I have to go technically dark when it happens. You'll see my activity on here change significantly based on what I'm doing.
  15. I received my first diagnosis of this nearly 30 years ago. It gets better and worse depending on what's going on around me. Hang in there fucker, there are already far too few of us.
  16. The God King Trump doesn't want a world war without Russia.
  17. Who puts them in a safe? I figure you just sprinkle them around your house like crack cocaine.
  18. Not gonna lie... I'd drive it
  19. These things happen. Choose not the path I walk.
  20. That's because we're gonna need Russia to help us fight China and DPRK after Un nukes Los Angeles on the 4th of July.
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