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Everything posted by worksnaDELUXE

  1. So yea I'm looking for a shop in the Bay Area that can weld my transmission tunnel in, make me custom 1 off custom headers, and source me a drive shaft(or have one made). A shop in the east bay would be best! Performance Options- is not an option. While I'm sure they do great work (I dunno) they keep putting me off, and delayed my project almost a month, stated I could drop my car off Dec 1st and when I call to confirm, they say it's another 2 weeks. I'm sure they could just be super busy, and that's great, but at least be on point on how long something is going to take, especially something as easy and dropping my car off to get work done. Super nice guys though. This is not a dis on this shop, it's just what happened. Not talking shit, just talking fact. It's crazy because 5 years ago there were a million shops that you could take your car to, to get this stuff done, now there isn't shit. Crazy. Also, if I was in Los Angeles it would be done already. Dan from DGR I miss you, too bad you closed your shop up. So yea, I'm taking all suggestions. I just got my SR20 franken distributor so these three items are the only things from me getting my car running lol. PS...I googled Bay Area performance shops, fab, etc..on 510 realm, Zilvia, Honda-Tech, Club4ag, and seems most if not all shops are gone. Thanks in advance!
  2. Here's a a pic of my 1200 in progress...just need my fuel pump, header, and drive shaft. Going carb'd VVL late next year. Should be fun.
  3. Haha good point....I'm thinking of just saying fuck it on getting another 1200 and just building the shit out of my current one. I mean I have the SR20 mounted haha...
  4. Everything else on the car is what I want. SR20DET, clean paint all the way throughout and it's a good price. Maybe I would be better off trading somebody for their LHD for the RHD. haha I know alot of people want RHD. We'll see.
  5. So I was trying to work out a deal with this guy on this car. I offered him 13k and he keeps his rims, tires, and mirrors. He declined my offer. He's selling it on CL but doing an auction style sell for the car which is what Ebay is for. I can't say I'm not annoyed but I like to know up front what I'm dealing with instead of being in the dark with that amount of money. So if you're planning on trying to buy this car just know that it's an auction style sale, and that when you offer him whatever it is he'll tell the next guy so they'll offer more, etc. So in reality it's not 15k OBO like stated in the ad, it's let's see how much I can bump the price up and lead people on so I can get the most money for my car sale. Which is fine, just be clear about it from the start so everybody isn't wasting their time.
  6. He didn't do it, doesn't have any of the parts haha but it's a nice ride. I just don't want to drive around in a LHD. I'm sure I can convert it back as I've built a CA 1200 and SR 510. How hard could it be :) I probably would try to find someone who wanted RHD and swap the parts. Well see....
  7. So there is a Datsun 1200 I'm looking at, but the guy who has it converted it to RHD and if I get it I want to convert if back. How much work is involved there?
  8. Anyone think this guy will get close to 25k for this 510? I saw the CL ad for it and it was for sale for 25k. My whole thing is that you can build that exact car for 15k. It's just crazy what people are trying to sell their 510's for these days. It's clean. I guess it's why I bought my 1200 instead of another 510. http://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=576121
  9. It's a S13 long block with a S14 transmission. Awesome, thanks to both of you for your info.
  10. For all you Datsun truck lovers out there: 1968 Datsun 520 truck (SR20DET)- $8000 (Sac) I couldn't post the pics of it, pretty cool. http://sacramento.craigslist.org/cto/4748310775.html
  11. Thanks for checking this out for me, I guess I'll try the new design one and see how it go's.
  12. The collar's are the same diameter, here's a pic with a comparison(my actually bearings and tranny): As you can see the bearings functionality is different, or maybe the design is different and the function is the same. One seems to roll on a collar and the newer one doesn't.
  13. So I bought a tranny and have no clue what it is...I know it's a SR but don't know if it's a S13 or S14. The problem is the throw out bearing, it seems there are two different kinds for SR's. Here's a pic of my tranny. It was sold to me as a S14 SR20DET tranny, but the throw out bearing that came with my clutch kit seems too big. The only conclusion that I can come to is that the TB was redesigned or some shit. When I look up KA24DE TB's they look like the one on my SR, but from what I understand they're different sizes. Here's a pic of my old throw out bearing: Here's the one I was sent: https://www.google.com/search?q=SR20DET+throw+out+bearing&biw=1384&bih=899&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=8VNhVKeRL4ipNqqshPgI&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=amHrsWg5ZBCM-M%253A%3BG5ulYHucsJZ08M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn6.frsport.com%252Fimages%252Fdetailed_images%252FKoyo_TOB_SR20_02.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.frsport.com%252FKoyo-Bearing-BRG-810-Release-Throw-Out-Bearing---Nissan-S13-S14-SR20DET_p_13841.html%3B500%3B375 Thanks in advance.
  14. I'll look for it after I get back this weekend. Google it and you'll find it.
  15. 18k is crazy for that car. Like I've said before it's the 510 hype. And I think it's funny people still think that 510 was Jay Leno's lol. You can build a 510 with an SR with paint for 12K. I'm currently building my Datsun 1200 with a SR20DE Carb'd and it will be rougly 11k for the build, and it's exactly how I want it. I paid $6500 for the actual car itself. Don't get me wrong, I don't buy all new shit either, I look for used stuff, and only buy new when I have to. But yeah that's just too much for a turn-key with a KA. It's clean just not 18K clean IMO. GLWS. EDIT: Also I was very tempted to build a Toyota Corona before I decided to get yet another Datsun seeing how they have a 2jz swap kit for it now. Just saying.
  16. Sweet, thanks, I forgot about these guys. Super close to my car as well like you said. Looks like I'll probably be headed over there, just got off the phone with them. Yea this is basically the only speed bump from me getting the swap in and on it's way. Thanks.
  17. My brother went to the the original JCCS and about 2 there after with his green CA18DET powered Datsun 1200 and talked about how JCCS was super cool. I've followed mostly all the JCCS shit from then til now, but now it just seems like some bullshit. The coverage I've seen has too focused on Honda's and blingy bullshit cars(they're nice, cost lots of money to make)but aren't even functional or monthly drivers. I just think the strict regulations they're having now is distasteful and kind of ruins the event. My 1200 will done by next year, it will be clean, have perfect paint, engine bay, etc..And I'll drive it everyday! But I won't register my 1200 at JCCS after the stunt they pulled this year. I'd rather go to local or smaller events where people still care about people and cars, and not just making money. In the beginning it was about getting the cars together, now it's just kind of garbage in my opinion. I hope that someone says F JCCS and starts some new kind of Japanese Classic Show. If I had the time I would most certianly do it.
  18. So I need to find a welder to cut out my transmission tunnel out of my 1200 and weld my new one in. Sucks, yea because I can't weld. Here is essentially what I need: http://datsun1200.com/modules/mediawiki/?title=Tunnel I already have: the MADDAT transmission tunnel I already have: the heater core, seats, carpet removed from my car I already have: the engine out of my car I talked with the owner of MADDAT and he said it's straight forward, you line up the new tunnel on top of the old tunnel, outline it. Cut out the old tunnel and weld in the new tunnel. The car is located in Alameda, I would have to tow the car to your house or shop to get the work done. I can't afford to tow my car any further than probably 20 miles in the surrounding area. I've tried to call over 10 fab shops and they're just flakey, which I don't get cause work is work. My number: 619-665-0591 Name: Russ Timeframe: As soon as possible, it's the only thing stopping me from finishing my swap
  19. I think 510's are seriously over priced, just Datsun's in general. I've seen the rise of prices over the years and I think that in general people are reaching. There was a 510 that was for sale with a SR20DE a while back, it was a silver one, with a green valve color, that was priced right where it should be. But like it's said, you'll only get what someone is willing to pay for it.
  20. Thanks for all the replys! I'll find out this weekend when I go see the car. I really don't want to hack this car up but I may have to. I've looked into the Maddat tunnel but I need to do some more research if it ends up going that way. I may just try to sell the car without the engine and find an auto bc of not wanting to hack it up. Has anyone out there installed the Maddat tunnel? If so how intense was it?
  21. Damn I'm fucked. O well... My SR is going to be a bitch now. This is the only detail I didn't even think about when I bought the car but had thought about a shit ton before I really started looking for a 1200. I'm super bummed cause I didn't want to cut the shit out of this car. GRRRRR!
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