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Everything posted by worksnaDELUXE

  1. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/cto/4545548390.html This car is pretty clean, def...a cool ass color. I wanted to put up the pic but I'm too lazy to put the pic in my Photobucket lol. $6500.00. What do you guys think? http://images.craigslist.org/01414_eUszL69WtbT_600x450.jpg
  2. yea it looks dope except for the flares...never like them on 510's or Datsuns, except Z's, don't get me wrong, I LOVE good fitment, even crazy fitment. Plus the wheels arent' even flush with the flares to boot. Not bad though. Like I sad above, clean car but 12k, seriously? It looks like the body and paint are jacked up, but it might be just the pics...
  3. Spotted right by my house, 1 block away... Northern California. Who is this? We should hang brooo.
  4. By no means am I trying to thread jack, but...I have some smalls dents in my 1200 rear bumper, can these be taken out? Thanks!
  5. Yea I'll probably just Ebay the whole set, engine, tranny, carbs, manifold, exhaust.
  6. Yea about 4 months ago. I'm changing some stuff up on it. I'm putting a SR20DE w/OER carb swap in it, putting the OEM rear bumper back on it, and probably getting rid of the stripes. Keeping everything else the same, well probably a new brake set up and 13x7.5 SSR Mesh. I may do a build thread but not sure if I have time, I'm trying to get ready for JCCS and only have about 3 months. Luckly I have the long block, carbs, Maddat mount kit already so that's a huge help, now I just have to get the tranny, drive shaft, fuel stuff and some other little stuff.
  7. I'm throwing this SR set up in my 73 1200. I have some questions: What fuel pressure regulator/output do you suggest? What fuel pump/output do you suggest? Also I've searched and searched (maybe this isn't my strongest suit) but could find no SR20DE Carb build threads and limited info. I'm all over Datsun1200.com as well. So any links would help. Thanks! R
  8. Anyone have a SR in their 1200? Of so do you have the measurement for the drive shaft? Where did you get yours made?
  9. Yea I was in a hurry when I re-listed the ad. I've probably done more shitty things then that though. Thinking is so rough. I wouldn't have taken $1800 for it. It sold for the asking price and it would have been more but my landlord said it had to go. But that's life. It only had surface rust, everything was solid on that car. :) The crazy thing is that I wasn't even trying to flip it. I had bought that one, and then a week later this other 1200 I wanted 2 years ago came up and then I bought that and had two. Bleh. On another note: One of the main reasons I didn't post the car up on Ratsun is because "some" of the people here get all butt hurt about CL ads and people selling shit (not you guys ^^ ) But I would never list a Datsun on this site or the510realm. Like when I was selling my 510 here, I had 15k into and was selling it for 10k and people were flipping shit like I was crazy, I ended up selling to a guy on another forum for my asking price. I love Ratsun, just not for selling a car.
  10. Did anyone see that 25k KA 510 in the bay? 25k? I'm sorry but you're dreaming bro.
  11. Hey, Just wondering who all is driving down to JCCS in September? I think it would great to all head down together in a group! We could meet up in San Jose! http://www.japaneseclassiccarshow.com/ Mods feel free to make my link more attractive lol.
  12. I don't, I live in San Francisco. :( It's really not that hard of a job, I mean an adaptor vs. say manifold, the adaptor should be pretty easy. hahaa
  13. I've done a bunch of swaps. I really only need 1 item and that's the dam adaptor plate lol and I have already sourced all my other parts. I am stuck on FCR's on my CA18DE since I already have them. I tried to call danstoy who built my ITB set up but I think they're out of biz. Great thread though.
  14. I'm about start sourcing and looking for parts for my CA18DE swap for my 1200. I'm going to be putting FCR carbs on them as well. The only problem is sourcing the adaptor plate I need to put the carbs on the CA. So...if you know a company, or member that could help me out please feel free to drop their number. My last option will be to go to Danstoy like I did for my ITB's on the SR20VE but I'm not even sure they can do it. I'm also sourcing my Japanese connections as well. Somthing like this but for a CA18DE http://page23.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/o35066331 Thanks in advance!
  15. This is nuts. Check it out... http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4430949325.html
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