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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. To me no bra and a thin T shirt is sexier than topless. 😎
  2. Good choice of wheels but I don't care for the bed rails cluttering it up.
  3. No I don't think a smart car can handle that much power! 🤣
  4. That would make me retire from driving AA/F cars! 🤔
  5. When I was working at LAX I rode my bike on the Strand 3 or 4 times a week and views like this and better were a daily occurrence. That's about the only thing I miss about California.
  6. How many women walk around the house in nothing but high heels???
  7. So versatile, they should still make them! 😎
  8. The oil cap on the far side of the engine that you can't see in that pic? 🤣
  9. I bought my dream 1969 427 Corvette at age 21 but the insurance was killing me because I was under 25 and single. That pius naging mechanical issues like broken valve springs made the appeal fade fast. 🙄
  10. Doesn't matter, everyone of those I have seen coming at me blinded the hell out of me! They are designed to be used on 4X4 off road rigs and spread light everywhere.
  11. How many know what this is? I remembe drooling over the first one I saw back in the early 70s.
  12. A candidate for ugly truck of the month? 🤣
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