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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. The LAX/Sepulveda Pics got me thinking about our old Stapleton/I70 overpass.
  2. goes2fast


    About time someone else posted here! 😎
  3. Looks to be either 3 turbine or jet engines but judging from the racing slick tires I would guess 3 turbine engines of some sort. 😉
  4. Rocket engines do not have turbine blades to produce thrust.
  5. I don't think the hydrogen peroxide rockets had any turbine blades, at least the 2 that I saw in person didn't. I saw the Pollution Packer go 314 mph in the quarter while only being on the throttle half way down the track due to not enough room to get it stopped from a higher speed. This was when top fuel cars were going around 225 mph and Jack's Go Kart was going 225.
  6. I always though Elvis was a GM guy with all the Cadillacs and such. 🤣
  7. I'm going into withdrawals, no new ass today? 🤪
  8. Perfect for cruising the "Hood!"
  9. No way would I attempt that!
  10. I would love to but it's a little farther for me than it is for you. 😉
  11. Those goose bumps give me goose bumps! 🤣
  12. The British one was only in Denver once for the "Summit of the 8" and I got pictures along with some of the unusual Russian aircraft but in moving files from my old desktop to a new one I managed to lose them. 😪
  13. That peach fuzz makes me want to bite! 🤣
  14. My condolences! I had a 68 Cutlass Rally with the Olds 350 and a 4 speed that was amazingly quick for the horsepower rating. It was a sleeper compared to a 442 so I had a lot of fun in that car! I wish I would have kept it.
  15. I just spent over an hour going through Oldsmobile commercials and heard songs about rocket engines, Delta 88 cars, 88 cars, and Olds 88 cars with rocket engines but not one rocket 88 engine mention.
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