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Everything posted by lil89ram50

  1. lil89ram50


    Thats what was done to mine, just had the original cracked dash under it. I want the same metal dash i had in my first truck. Is that dash for sale?
  2. well i stripped the dash out of the truck today to make it a metal top and paint it. Unfortunately, it has 6 big cut outs, and i have never seen another dash like this. so now i am driving this truck with the ugliest dash i have ever seen :(
  3. lil89ram50


    it is a 71. do you have a spare smooth dash without the cut outs? i have an ad in the parts wanted, but no ones replied. does not need to be a 520 dash, actually i perfer the impression on the 521 dash.
  4. lil89ram50


    also i was wrong, it has 6 large holes, not 4
  5. lil89ram50


    yupp the top one is exactly what mine looked like, the one in the truck i have now is way different, it has 4 large holes in it. but there a factory deal. i am so pissed, now my dash looks worse than when i stripped it.
  6. hey guys i need a dash for my 71 521. either a smooth style 521 dash, or a 520. all i need is the top portion. need urgently !!
  7. lil89ram50


    what does the dash on a 521 look like striped? without the padding on top? reason i ask, is because on my last 521 i stripped it, and it was all metal, except the 4 cut outs for the vents, and the one for the tray. now today, i stripped the one in my truck, and it has 4 big additional holes in it. the dash in my first truck did have padding on it that looked just like the one i have now, so i do not believe it was a 520 dash at all. must have made 2 different dashes in these? also, does any one have a dash like my first truck had, or a 520 dash?
  8. so its on the s-13 or the 1200?
  9. Theres a couple guys in the shop that use a lot of craftsman, and all i ever hear them do is complain about them. They get so pissy when the guys at sears tell them they wont warranty a 1/2-3/8 adapter cuz they used it on an impact. I only have a few problems with snap on. #1 air tools, there too heavy, and over priced. All my air tools are Ingersol. #2 the 3/8 dual 80 ratchet. i thought this was a pile of shit after it took a shit twice on me. I told him i would not like another just take it off my account. since then, i have gotten the mac soft grip, with the nice smooth head, also i feel like this is smoother that the snap on. My other snap on ratchets, one 1/4 snap on and a 1/4 bluepoint, and a 1/2 snap on, have all been great.
  10. My box alone was like 15 or 16 hundred. It's not too much at all. the rest is just tools. That that includes all my air tools and everything i have. the only reason it is this much, is cuz it is snap on. Well about 8500 of it is. The rest is just stuff i picked up here and there... The way i see it, as a lot of you do, is tools will make me money. Weather i make payments for them now or later, i am going to need them. I am doing training guys. I will be gm certified tech when its all over. I guess the reason i feel under paid is cuz i have not been at my second job now for about a month. I am employed at O'reilly auto parts. I normally work there about 20 hours a week. Get paid the same there as i do the dealer also. but as of about a month and a half ago, the manager has been fired. so they the store is sort of being ran by 2 employees. there both retarded and have no idea what there doing. I worked with them for a couple weeks after the manager got fired, and i figured i better leave then get fired cuz they both don't like me. so i called up the district manager and talked to him about the situation, and told him i would like to be taken off the schedule till he finds a manager, or i will probably walk out, or he will hear some bull shit lies from the 2 other guys trying to get fired. He agreed and took me off the schedule. since then, 2 people have quit, and one has been removed from schedule like i did. So that is a big hit from the pay check also, but i am still underpaid for working my ass off.
  11. Sorry for the spelling guys, normally im not too bad of a speller. Also i cannot quit at this time, just had a son 7 months ago, and about 10 grand in tools to pay for. along with my Camry and appt. and other bills. so i have no choice but to stay. this town is only got just under 10k people. 4 car dealer ships. chevrolet, toyota, ford, and dodge.... Bergstom's, the guy i work for, own chevrolet, toyota, and the ford dealer... and the dodge dealer is a small business. so no where else to go really.
  12. so i was getting ready to leave my appt, to get supper and i spotted a long box mega cab conversion :) had to take a few pics for you guys cuz i know its a lie with out pics. also sorry for the shitty cell pics
  13. no its not that were scheduled this far out, its that the servivce writers are actually turning down customers. we do need help.
  14. yea i wish they would bring in another guy! but they cant find one! all 3 of us techs are scheduled 3-4 weeks out. we are going to be getting behind soon if they dont find some one soon....
  15. radio we need to meet up again... you guys ever have meets up there? i am the only datto around, i think it would be fun to go to one...
  16. i am flat rate guys, no comission for this guy. and i agree on the not enough staff, we have been looking for another experienced tech. but we cannot find one. been on the look for 6 months now. and we are busy as shit, amost never an empty stal. and we are building a new building, then we wil have a quick lube, and they will be even buiser, cuz right now its by appt only. and as for me being not experienced, they know i have the knowledge for anything that walks in, or i can figure it out. but correct on the not technically trained, but i am doing training. gm has an online training bullshit thing i am doing. every so often we have to go to a hands on training in Minneapolis. i am getting my linch breaks when i want, sometimes i dont take them, but i do not complain about that cuz its my choice. our hours are 8am -6pm with 1 1hour lunch break. from 5pm to 6pm is overtime every day. we also work every other saturday, we all rotate, but saturdays are also overtime, but mandatory
  17. bad ass! i am also sort of building a bike, out of a 77 cb550k. its pretty sweet, looks dumb without someone riding it though :) new hardtail this winter though. maybe ill post up a pic
  18. so ive been with the GM dealer ship now for about 10 months. the first 3 months i was in recon detaiing cars, told them i hate it, but i want to work in the shop, i know my shit fairly well. so they threw me in lube bay. i did a lot more then change oil btw. for shit pay. about $8.75. about 6 months after that, service manager takes me into his office and asks me how i know so much at my age 19 with one semester of collage, and a drop out at 17. i just told him cars have aways been fun to work on,and i enjoy seeing something get completed. he agreed and asked if i would take on responsibility of a tech. he said it would include a raise, and i have 2 stalls of my own. so i agreed and moved my tool box to the other side of the shop to my new stalls, and get to work. well its been a month, and i absolutey love the work, yea its stressful, and sucks at times, but im getting much more knowledgeable about the new stuff. one thing that sort of get me is the way the service writers schedule stuff. like they will schedule stuff over our lunch breaks, or "accidently" 2 customers at a time, and get mad when one not done on time. and they come out to the shop about every 10 minutes asking if its almost done, i tell them the more they come out and fucking bother me the onger its going to take. there replies are well the customer was asking so i had to come out here. i sais you can tell them it will be done when you see him drive it out, and next time dont be a dumb shit and schedule 2 people at a time or yopu can do one. then they whine to service manager, and in the end, they get chewed out but nothing ever changes. another thing that makes me kind of up set. no thank you's. ever. i know they dont need to tell me, but every once in a whille, it would be nice to hear that im doing a good job, or thanks for staying late last noght to get that guys truck fixed so he could get back home 300 miles or what ever it is. like this week, a guy came in monday, 2010 chevy silverado miss firing consistently, at 5:00, we close at 6. i took it to my stall. hooked up the tech2 and found all sorts of codes. ran a compression test, found #4 cylinder no compression, took off valve cover and cranked motor. rocker arm did not move, told the man i'd need to take motor apart, its going to be the end of the week before its done. he said he needed to be 500 miles out of town in another city for work on thursday. told him i would do my best. next morning i dissasembled motor, found lifter guides let lifters spin sideways and cause it to chew up cam shaft. so i ordered a new cam shaft, all lifters, lifter guides, vlom, and all the gaskets. along with a afm deflector for a recall. well here comes wednesday. all parts came! ..... and my wonderfu service writers scheduled my for a fuel pump job in a 1008 suburban. UGH!! hutty up and got the pump done in a couple hours, cuase the service manager is anal about us draining the tanks into stupid gas buddy's. so it takes forever. got back to work on motor, got cam in, motor timed, lifters in..... here comes servive writer walking to me. he said he needs me to drive 15 miles out of town to put a wheel bearing on a car on the side of the road. i told him no, this needs to be done tonight. he said he didnt care, so i told him heas a stupid fuck and he can deal with this guy when its not fucking done. got to the car out of town and fixed it, wheel bearing actually locked up!!! fixed it, recieved check and went back to shop, handed the check to service writer and went back to work. well i ended up staying till about 10:30 that night after all the distractions and shit to get the truck done. thursday morning comes and the guy was pretty happy for the circumstances he was in, i mean its a 2010 chevy truck with 22,000 miles. computer records show he was never past on oil changes, it was hust a defect. and he went on his way...... i did not get one thanks for staying way past hours and completing the job. and the raise i got was to 9:50.... is this too much work for the pay? i am barely making ends meet here.
  19. so wat vehicles do you have now radio?
  20. before anything after drop theres a guy i work with moving the truck, not me any one like the orange snap on tool cart i bought? the guys in the shop i work at say its too damn bright and my impacts too loud. i got an ir 2135timax... anyone else tried this impact? if not you should its fast, light and so much power :) and it sounds good to boot still have to do a few touches to the interior
  21. who wants pics? anyone?
  22. snap on hammer here? very nice choice my friend
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