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Everything posted by lil89ram50

  1. sorry, its leaking at the accelorator pump
  2. lil89ram50

    weber help

    well i just got my weber bolted down and ready to start, first of all, i need a manual choke, this one is electric. can i convert it with a kit? got a link to a good complete kit? second concern, it leaks fuel bad! its leaking out of the power valve. even when you barely touch the pedal, it POURS! this truck runs much better now, but it still leeds this horible leak fixed, and i cannot hold the butterfly's closed by hand every time i start the vehicle cuz i have no choke
  3. lil89ram50

    Head ID

    ok itsconfirmed, they are not hard to find. either way, any thought on removing the linings? does it infact decrease flow?
  4. lil89ram50

    Head ID

    thats what im looking for is mid and low, mainly all in town driving. and datzenmike, i read somewhere you said you could remove the intake linings in the w58, would that be something worth doing? and is it hard to do?
  5. lil89ram50

    Head ID

    Casting # Chamber type Description A87 open or closed found on many L-18 and L-20B's. The "domestic" version usually came with open chambers. Many of the "used Japanese import" engines came with the peanut version of this head. Large quantities of these used engines were imported in the 80's, so the peanut version is fairly common. These heads usually have 1.25" intake ports and square exhaust ports. 1.65" intake valves. Exhaust valves can be 1.38" or 1.30" W53 closed (with some exceptions) This head is from the Japanese market. Some of these castings are for factory fuel injected engines and have notches in the intake ports to accommodate injectors. 1.25" intake ports and square exhaust ports. 1.65" intake valves and 1.38" exhaust valves. 219 11041-V9182 closed The true SSS head from imported used engines or ordered from the Datsun comp. catalog. Later versions could be ordered from the catalog with a V912 casting. 1.50" intake ports, square exhaust ports. 1.65" intake valves and 1.38" exhaust. These are hard to find. Any of the other closed chamber heads can be "converted' to this design by simply opening up the intake port to 1.50" (if that's desired) Some of these heads are marked "A87" on the side, but have "219" cast at the front of the head, just below the timing chain inspection plate. 210 (some have no number) 11041-N2202 SV open (with rare exceptions) This is the head that came stock on the 510. Tiny 1.125" intake ports, square exhaust ports. 1.50" intake valves and 1.30" exhaust valves. There have been variations reported on the valve sizes. This head is believed to be originally designed for the L-13, and engine never imported to the U.S. I know of one that has the peanut (closed) chamber with 37cc displacement. The earliest versions had more of a "semi-open" chamber design but later examples were the open chamber design. These heads are usually avoided on performance applications. U67 open The stock cylinder head for many L-20B's. 1.375" intake ports, square exhaust ports. 1.65" intake and 1.38" exhaust valves. U60 open Identical to the U67 head, this number has been found on very early L-20B's. It seems to be fairly rare. W58 11041-W5880 open(with rare exceptions) This is the L-20B smog head usually found on '77 and later engines. 1.375" intake ports with ROUND exhaust ports. These exhaust ports have steel liners that help burn off emissions. I know of one of these castings that has closed chambers. These heads don't flow well and are avoided for high-performance applications. N56 open(?) This is an emissions head that appears to be identical to the W58 casting. The combustion chamber design has not been verified yet, but is probably open. Ok, so according to this i have a pretty hard to find head? doesnt mean its any good, but hard to find? this guy said he has only seen one? any one else know of one of these?
  6. lil89ram50

    Head ID

    Ok, so my question still persists, whats the difference between the different series heads?
  7. how about 2 l motors opposed like a subie? that would be awesome! in the back of a 510 goon, mated to a built vw bug trans!
  8. i just bought a weber from jefe, and i dont think i got the adapter, the one he had looked like it was part of a 2 piece. thanks
  9. is this a reputable site to buy from? i need this adapter real soon, like hopefully before the weekend http://www.wpsracing.com/cpprcaad.html
  10. what do you mean with compression? down shifting? yea, it will do that, nothing you can do about it....
  11. pretty sure i got a deal worked out for a dash. i still a steering wheel though! post up what you have
  12. just bought a weber! 32/36. need to find a 1 piece adapter now
  13. i am also looking for a wood steering wheel! grant, nardi, personal
  14. you work out a deal then?
  15. what should i get for license plates? i am getting the vintage plates. anything over 40 years, dont have to worry about tabs, and can drive as many miles, when ever i want. just dont know what i want it to read
  16. and here is the datto next to my camry
  17. also did you guys note the shit box car in this pic? lol my little brother thinks his car is the coolest thing in the world. my buddy bought it a few years ago, thought it was cool for a while, parked it in a garage for a couple years cuz he realized it was was gay, then called the scrapper to come get it, and my brother ended up getting it for 500 bux. its a 99 sunfire, lambo doors, shaved handles, painted dash, under glow, gay hub caps, it had white 19's on it, but i told my buddy to keep them for his 77 yota truck. this car is GAY!!!
  18. lil89ram50

    Head ID

    so what are the diffences between say a u67, u20, w50, 210, and the ones i didnt list? what makes one more sought after than the other?
  19. lil89ram50

    Head ID

    ok so closed chambered is just weeather or not its peanut thing, i thought it had to do with the valves.
  20. take a break for a coupe days, the go at it again. sometimes all you need is a break.
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