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Everything posted by sick620

  1. i love everything about the design other than the shape of the stacks :)
  2. I think if you did it right, everything else on your dime was up to par, and you like it, it could be pretty cool. :).... Also cube tail lights were designed after 620 tails. and 620's are the shit.... And cubes are pretty fucking gangster. First toaster body vehicle made... if you think its the xb you are mistaken, look how long cubes have been produced in japan. Im biased tho because a cube is my dream affordable daily driver. Think about 510's ... when produced im sure the majority of the population thought look at that gay boxy thing. same as cube. When the 620 was produced "look at those retarded body lines and crazy ass front end" same as juke.... But then people owned em, and loved them and saw the character hidden in there ugly shapes. You know that slogan drive a datsun then decide? maybe the haters need to drive a juke or cube then decide! If you dont support nissan now with there current ventures you are a pretty lame ass datsun owner and that makes your datsun an orphan.
  3. Datsun... I fuckin hate those ugly ricer money pits! ;)
  4. update been a while since ive posted, but Ive been dailying it after selling a daily driver and moving to washington for school. It made the drive 6 hours like a champion. Though I think the clutch is on its last leg. roof is now re attachable... still working on cleaning up cuts and gaskets but its getting nicer. Now that the clutch is bad I think its time to work on the mechanical areas of this pig. Either ordering a built longblock from datsun parts llc next month, or ordering a clutch and some bolt ons like r1 carbs and headers etc, and Ill run this motor to the ground and order the long block in a few months and exchange all my bolt ons.
  5. possibly posted before, but http://vimeo.com/58849310#
  6. not really a fan of the looks of that, looks like it should be playing me a song, not carrying me down the road... tho im sure its pretty beastly :)
  7. i get on ratsun like once a month lol
  8. Ok good to know thanks, and anytime ive ever had wiring questions you are always quick to answer and knowledgeable I thankyou! :)
  9. If you guys get a big enough meet together with a good heads up on timing and place Ill make the 3 hour 45minute drive from Moses lake WA. Just moved up here for college. Ive never been to Seattle.
  10. the voltage regulator operates prior to the alternator outputing power? How does that mysterious thing operate? ive tried looking at diagrams but I dont get it...
  11. but could I do this if I absolutely wanted to? Will it work in theory?
  12. In an old 521 that I owned I had an aftermarket alternator in it from a chevrolet. It was Internally regulated, to better the movement of outgoing power I wired a large gauge wire from the alternator output, to the starters input, giving it a nice thick wire to get its power to the battery. And it worked great. Fast forward, with my current 620 I have wanted to do this same mod. But my 620 is a stock type alternator and its externally regulated. Will this work or will it fry something. Im not really sure how a voltage regulator functions. Will my wire be running really high/really low power? or will it be running at a good range? Thanks
  13. Hey what do you think? paint the center a cool metallic color? or sand it to bare metal? :)
  14. sick620


    Im meeting new Ho's in different area codes... ;)
  15. i like the idea behind this thread :)
  16. it has a datsun adapter with it, but I really want a sweet horn button, ive read they are different then momos but that could have been bad info. And I need a horn adapter so maybe I just need an entire adaper kit but I cant find one! :(
  17. found this, i guess they stocked 510 gear.. sweet! :)
  18. I picked up a izumi steering wheel from a datsun guy locally, 20 bucks :) ... I was wondering what anyone knows about these wheels and or the company? I checked ebay and there isnt much of anything for them.. is that the same 6 bolt pattern as a grant? I like it alot :)
  19. just a shirt or stickers or something, its a pretty cool page to like theres cool datsuns on there from time to time :) by stupid i just ment that its a small contest. stupid meaning not grand.
  20. Im on a stupid contest on facebook. I posted a fellow ratsuners truck. can you like it and help me and ratsun win? first like this https://www.facebook.com/MiniTruckinCoalition then https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4537914005026&set=p.4537914005026&type=1&theater&notif_t=like like that? thank you!
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