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Everything posted by sick620

  1. Find me a nice stereo with AUX in and its yours
  2. looks nice.... like the seat stickers... you need my gangster shift boot now!
  3. Skib is your man... message him on here... he speaks 36 languages, knows 10 forms of Martial arts, and has got his masters at Harvard 4 times! Ill message him and have him get in contact with you as he can be somewhat hard to get in touch with, He has 4 jobs is active in the military and military relations, And does a lot of deep sea diving out in the Bahamas on weekends. Oh shit I just realized you said mandarin, I thought you said Mongolian My bad, that is not a language Skib has covered yet... Now there's this guy I've heard some legends about on here, I believe his name is mike. He lives somewhere Isolated in the Canadian wilderness, He fashioned a computer out of tree bark and precious metal and stones than he mined for, using only a shovel and a Weber carburetor I might add. The legend has it that mike was In russia trying to bring down stallin and his communist regime, but things got hot and fate found him in china living as a bounty hunter waiting for things to cool off. I heard that he speaks mandarin. AND hes a little easier to get ahold of as he is usually in his cave or out skinning bears and timberwolves...
  4. it slowly got to this point... it has always worked good even though it has a wierd release point but last summer there was like 3 ocassions while driving in 90+ degree temps that it slipped in 3rd gear and up... when I press the pedal in I think I hear a faint hissing sound now tho.. So ill replace the hydraulics first and see what happens...
  5. no :( I just keep driving it... I havnt even looked into it anymore... It has to be the clutch... Its still working fine just releases really high on the pedal movement, I think my clutch master is bad too but that cant cause that can it?
  6. ichibahn shift boot, came in this nice container :)
  7. bump... still interested in others signs! :) ..... Mike your a taurus.... I think :)
  8. ok..... You get one picture and more time, though its pretty lazy to make me pick for you... :)
  9. CONTEST Photoshop! Using the following picture in any way you like. Only rule is no stealing others ideas/ pictures... You have untill saturday 4/26 at 11:59PM pacific standard time. 4/27 will mark the start of voting, ratsun decides the outcome. winner will get a surprise gift! Photoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. I feel like someone is selling some here on ratsun, but I cant find the thread :( I saw it a while back when I was broke... now I cant find...
  11. people are copying me already.... :thumbup: Metalmonkeys truck
  12. can you repair my sexbox 720? its not pleasuring me like it used to,,.. :P
  13. I put a new slave on the truck when I got it, off of a 200sx, reason being is my tranny is from a 200sx, do you think that could be a problem for some reason?
  14. Mike thats correct... I was thinking it could be the pressure plate is old and weak, and the hot summer temperatures make it slip because they make it even weaker?
  15. im going to start putting polls in for sale threads, it makes your post standout! awesome! :)
  16. Finally got truck running after having timing/ carb issues.... washed my nuts!
  17. stuck one on my laptop.. thanks for the stickers!
  18. sick620

    Air dam

    ummmm thats a roof rack!
  19. when I push the clutch down and release it in gear to start going it engages at the very end of its travel... fluid level is good but its pretty black... Ive put a new slave cylinder on when I got it, and the master dosnt look very old either... Could It just be that it needs bled? I bled the shit out of it when I installed it... I thought that a bad bleed would cause issues getting in gear "shifting" not make it slip or release any later? am I wrong?
  20. shaft tang isnt at 11:45 ... I just got the rotor to point at a plug wire on the cap and made that my number 1 wire...
  21. alright guys shes running great :D
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