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Everything posted by sick620

  1. Omg what if its really june 11th right now and canby was just a dream that we all had at the same time so therefore we all thought we were there but really we are all going to miss it because we are in some other demension?
  2. With my help he can be
  3. ok. Whos coming and what are bringing for the BBQ? I got the soda and Chips.
  4. Im going to end voting tomorrow at midnight so get your votes in and help us out. Thanks.
  5. Man I am chopping my 620 looking at your beautiful choptana has made up my mind....
  7. I80 to U.S 95 almost 9 hours and 556 miles :lol:
  8. I love this site and I thank you sooo much... I just read up on the sss head :D
  9. if you drive up for the august 14th meet in a datsun we will name it that for ya :D
  10. 130+ views and only 7 votes..... COME ON.
  11. I love this thread its so..... inspirational :crying: Keep posting! :blush:
  12. damnit now I want a goon.... I saw this at canby! real nice thread.
  13. keep your "oil" cap its RARE!
  14. what did you use to paint the exhaust mani? those wheels wont tuck will they?..... are you going to keep it stock height? I like your project.... good work!
  15. Ya, I dont know about that guy sometimes :D
  16. Thanks for the ideas mike! I added them to the list you are the king rat for a reason
  17. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/23145-we-need-a-name/ VOTE!!! NOW!!! ;)
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