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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Also cleaned up the door panels,it really looks so much better then when i got it.
  2. Put some beauty rings on today.
  3. Why do you ask such stupid fuckin questions.
  4. Dude come to my house later and check it my other 521 with a ka24 de in it.
  5. Your nuts bro,i got to see this when its done.Are you going to the nissan jam in Irvine.
  6. Hawaiian get out of here you got money,were da pictures of da bm trouble you.lol... I like da flag mirrors from it.HAWAIIAN .
  7. well get me a discount,i need to save money.
  8. Dude your a star now. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  9. I agree with him ^^^^^
  10. I might have a 2.3 liter carbed for sale. :poke:
  11. No not yet,its coming together
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/261221127397?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  13. Dude just silicone them in,it will work trust me i know.Put all good bulbs and silicone the housing's and put them with silcone all around,it will last longer then your bulbs.
  14. you mean a crank pulley.post that in the classifieds,guys here are always trying to make a buck off of Junk.
  15. ok i will back out then. :fu:
  16. Waiting for the ITB's,should be here next week.
  17. what trans are you running
  18. What about a top turbo mount,or did i not read this right,If you look at Datuns parts llc,he has a 350 rear wheel horsepower turbo ka24 620,its also on ebay for a stupid figure which he will never sell it.
  19. You do know you wont like me when i am angry.haha
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