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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Better shot of the header. Please click like, I'm looking for likes please. lol
  2. Building another FJ to try and push 500 HP Where is your truck????? Haha Yes and views and like.lol
  3. You don’t love me. Shit man.
  4. Looking good. My wagon will be on a trailer going to Canby this year.
  5. Yes sir,I had a good time last year and so far unless the wrath of god comes my way, I will be coming.
  6. Its ok, there is 245 pages of crap. go ahead say something about my truck being only on a trailer its ok.
  7. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Hey look 3 of my many cars not on a trailer. Im done.
  8. i tried searching can someone point me to a thread that talks about the wagon rear end bearing change out.

    1. Rick-rat


      What are you trying to do, tanker? axle bearings?

    2. mrbigtanker


      yes sir I want to make sure i put it back together properly sir.

    3. mrbigtanker


      It was already apart when I got it. Also converting to rear disc brakes. I was looking for a thread that explained it.

  9. Whats funny is Deep Penetration got me thinking, about how many times its been on a trailer. It was broke down once for the brand new clutch slave, and about 5 more times for transport since i owned it in 9 years now for the engine swaps and tuning. So 6 times, plus 1 more time taking it to Canby last year, and well thats how the wagon is going as well this year.
  10. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Ok so back to my truck, because its all about the views and likes right. Anyway here is where its at now, tomorrow it should be done. Going to try for 300 Hp for now and then once the new FJ is done, push for more. Rear end and tranny is next big thing I am looking in to now. First turbo i have somewhat done. Should be interesting.
  11. WOW cute a ford and a what M3 good for you. C'mon guys give him some likes. Bad ass cars man one day I will grow up and be justice you...
  12. Thank big dawg. I’m sorry I sold the lights. I was blown away they did not sell at eagle cock. I guy in San Diego go rear ended and contacted me so I helped him out. If I come across another I will let you know. And I’m trying to build my truck like this D.P. Dick. He has set the standard on how you should do it.. lol. Right.
  13. Yes sir.and bringing to Canby for you big boy.
  14. Nice i used to leave in pedro before i moved out to corona. Very very nice car. JCCS this year I hope.
  15. I see said the blind man. I looked again.
  16. What he said did you try wiping it or scraping a little to test?
  17. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Thats it. Deluxe badge installed and shades back in. Good enough for government work.
  18. Always one cock breath in the bunch. for no reason talking shit. i get it I get it. More pics of goodness to come, maybe even on a trailer.
  19. Good to drive. I love my wagon.
  20. First off you don’t know me for shit, second I don’t gives a fuck what you think. Stay out of my thread and you will be fine. Do see how many views seems other then you and a few others people perhaps, are happy with what I do.
  21. Yup then they forget about the little guy. Or at least you hope not.
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