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4perrev last won the day on March 20 2020

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Juan Islands, WA
  • Cars
    72 Datsun 2 Door 510, 72 Wagon, 71 4 Door 510 & Euro cars. + a Dodge to haul then all!!
  • Interests
    Anything that eats gas!!!!!
  • Occupation
    Get enough $$ for my Datsuns

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  1. Thanks. Trying to keep it all pretty!
  2. So sorry I missed out on this. I will certainly make the next one. Good to see Datsuns rolling around the Island!!
  3. Well said EDM. I am with you on this one. Too many times I have been asked to do engine swaps, painting, or other serious overhauls. I always say that I will assist but not do it for them.
  4. Man it's been awhile since I made any progress of the old gal. But alas, work has continued over the past two weekends. First up, I planted the engine back in. Took a bit to get it in there with the header. It was pretty close to the steering box and probably rubbed a few times, but I got her in. Second was how to connect the exhaust pipe to the header, since I did not have the connector to begin with. This is where the fun began. What I needed was to make a 2 inch pipe match a 2.5 inch pipe. Since I don't have access to a spreader and I really didn't want to take a trip in town, I basically used a hydraulic press and two trailer hitch balls to make the difference. First one down was the 2 inch and then the 2.5 inch. Once that was done, I fabricated a mounting plate out of plate steel to match the header bolt design. Then welded the pipe to the plate. All in all, it turned out pretty good. Here is the result: Top Side And straight down Think it will work as planned!
  5. Glad to help. Also curious to see how she runs. Time is coming closer as the weekend provides more building progress!
  6. Iceman, I am using the L-18 crank. The 200sx pistons have a higher rist pin location with a lower deck height, therefor cancelling the increased height difference. The block was over bored because the cylinder measurements were off. I wanted a fresh, squared engine to start with. A previous picture will show the piston and rod difference.
  7. Those are some good looking parts! Might have to hit you up in the future.
  8. I too am in the same boat looking for wagon replacement seats. Debating on new or junkyard seats.
  9. Had a hiatus for a bit, but back in it again and always drop by to see your beauty. Gives me motivation to jump back in and get moving. Thanks for that!
  10. Haven't forgot the Dime, just running into life that places speed bumps in my way. Working the Goon first as it is way closer to running down the road. Will get back to this gal once the other is running.
  11. Here's the heart!
  12. Wow, just looked at how long it's been since I posted. The days move swiftly through time and the build continues. Quick update, the long rod L18 is complete with ARP connecting rod bolts, ARP head bolts, A87 peanut head, and 200 SX pistons. Ordered all the goods to change transmission seals, new clutch, and complete exhaust pipe setup. Will need to route and cut to fit. Should go pretty quick once the weather turns warmer here soon. Lastly debating on redoing the electrical because those wires are old! Will get pictures up as things come together.
  13. Nice to see her out and about!
  14. Yep, clean it up, cut and weld new metal. Lather with copious amounts of rust converter, prime and paint it with the same patina looking color. You'll be right as rain!
  15. Awesome, thank you for the review. Quiet? Nah, that's part of the beauty, right!
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