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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    Moved my truck from where it has been sitting for who knows how long, at least the almost 2 years I have owned it, to Shawn Drawdy's place to have the rust issues fixed, since I don't know how to weld.
  2. A pic Shawn took at his shop. My truck is apparently 11" taller than his. It looks like a monster truck from this angle! Not for long. Mine will be lowered too, but not as low as shawn's. Mine's going to be a daily driver.
  3. As promised, here are a couple of pics of my truck being moved to Shawn Drawdy's place to have the rust issues fixed, since I don't know how to weld. This is probably the first time it's moved in many, many years! I'm excited to get some progress going on this truck again!
  4. Finally something new to post here. A while back I bought a 520 driveline (one piece, with slip yoke) from Royal Sierra. Tonight I bought a dogleg 5 speed that he picked up from Joey (Kamakazi620). I also made arrangements to have my truck,& the 2 back halves moved from where they have been stored, down to ShawnDrawdy's place, so I can get to it more often to work on it. Shawn is going to do the rust repair on my truck, since he has plenty of expertise in that,& I don't know how to weld. I'll post some pics Sunday, after the truck is moved.
  5. I could use at least 1 of those, passenger side , if I remember correctly.
  6. That's funny, I was also thinking most of our Ratsun-ers wouldn't be old enough to remember those commercials.
  7. seeing all these Datsuns at Sonic, & elsewhere lately has made me frustrated with the slow pace of my own projects. I need to get them from where they are currently stored,& down where I can get some progress going on them.

    1. arizonajones


      same here. I only have one project and its going at a snail's pace compared to some of you guys

  8. I don't know that I can give the "official word", but I will say that truck is absolutely fine in my opinion. I want one myself.
  9. Thanks for the great comments everyone! There are some great ideas for fun runs in those comments too. I also have at least one idea for a fun run brewing. There are some great curvy roads between Canby & Estacada we could take maybe stop at Mike's Drive-in in Estacada, then maybe head out to North Fork. A Datslocos camping trip sounds great, I had thought about it too, but I was thinking about doing that during warmer weather. Anyway, keep posting your ideas, I'll see what we can come up with.
  10. I had a great time at the first Oregon Datslocos meet, last night. I'm glad you all enjoyed it! Now that we've had a local meet, let's get together & do some work parties, &/or fun runs sometime soon. I was so caught up in the fun of seeing everyone, I completely forgot to get contact info, so I can do a call out for future activities like I mentioned above. Anyway, here's the pictures I have from last night
  11. It's a bummer you couldn't make it , but don't worry too much, there will be more Datslocos Oregon meets.
  12. I'm glad you had a good time! I did too. I'm looking forward to the next meet.
  13. I love the brake work pictures (above ) I also have & often use my "how to keep your Datsun alive", (John Muir publications) book. I have several of the books in this series, & am slowly collecting the others. If any of you can help with my collection, please let me know, thanks!
  14. A 720, very nice! I had an '81 720 kc 4x4 back in '91. I often miss it. I can't wait to see what you do with this one!
  15. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! I hope "Santa " brings you lots of Datsun goodies!

    1. mrbigtanker


      I got a lump of coal

    2. MicroMachinery


      "Santa" has never brought me a Datsun goody..

    3. denmarkboy


      does it count if you buy it for yourself ? i mean i am santa , and i did buy myself a datsun this holiday

  16. The meet in Wilsonville starts around 7ish. I have to drive up from Molalla after work. I'm off around 6pm, so I'll head straight there. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone there!
  17. Oooh, the color matched decals sound great.
  18. That's awesome! I would definitely like 2 of the "inside out"decals when they're ready. Thank you!
  19. Holy crap Justin, was anyone hurt? I was going to message Denmark boy about this, but I see he already said was I was thinking, let's find you a ride & you should come to the meet anyway. Do you know if your truck is repairable yet? I'm sure someone here, if not a bunch of people would be willing to help you either fix it, or find a replacement. I know of a similar truck for sale on Hwy. 99 in Aurora. I don't know what they're asking for it though.
  20. Nice 4 x 4! I had an -81 720kc 4x4 with a lift & 33's back in the day. Love those trucks!
  21. I chose the Wilsonville SONIC Location because it's centrally located& easy to get to for most of us, including Portland area people, & Beaverton people. I am open to having some future meets further into the Portland area, as long as a majority of our members could attend. I am also brewing up some ideas for some Datslocos events some of which could easily be held in the Portland area.
  22. Welcome to Datslocos! Are you the guy I met at Ikea , before we all cruised to Blue Lake last year? Anyway, pm me , so I can get your contact information.
  23. pm me, so I can get your contact information. Looking forward to meeting you, & all the Oregon Chapter Datslocos people at the Wilsonville SONIC January 2nd.
  24. Here's a Google picture of the plane that started it all for me. I got to go in this as a kid. I hear tales it's at the Evergreen museum now, but I would like to know for sure.
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