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Busta Nut

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Busta Nut last won the day on April 15 2022

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About Busta Nut

  • Birthday 03/25/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    A city by The Bay
  • Cars
    '72 510 4dr, '70 Goon, '72 240z, '72 521, '75 Honda Elsinore MT250, '02 Frontier SC, '05 R6
  • Interests
    ....my little people...
    .... and the woman of my dreams...<3
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  1. Fuckin' Niners....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bananahamuck
    3. devilsbullet


      bahahahah, fuck the seaturkeys. dont worry triple, minnesotas had our number the past few years. imma laugh when the "we can only run" seabitches come to town and try to run...cause thats gonna work out well.

    4. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      Is that Bird painted on there?? I'd walk by her and "accidentally" spill my drink....HAha!

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