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Everything posted by spudly13

  1. you definately get what you pay for, and shockwave stuff is spennndddyyy, ive heard good things about a few of there products
  2. Yeah it was up for sale a few weeks ago, i plan on making at least two changes to it, one im going to get bags for the front instead of those canister things and two, im going to get ahold of a nice control unit, with the screen that gives you air pressures and will let you program different ride heights.
  3. I actually bought it off of a guy on here, it was definately an impulse buy and i probally over paid, but we will see, he claimed to of had the setup on a 510 so hopefully it works without to much custom work Thanks! Yup live and learn, im just glad i was able to save it! ill rebuild it after my Z is done
  4. Vintage do you have a build thread on your Ka swap? and Thats awesome! i made it work with Su's so hopefully the R1 carbs will be that much simplier!
  5. Ill take a look through my pics and see if i have any, that was my favorite setup ive had so far, everyone said that it wouldnt work and the SUs couldnt take boost, but it was awesome and handled 10 pounds no problem
  6. Ya.....Not one of my proudest moments, Previous owner failed to mention that there was a brake fluid leak and you needed to top it off about every two weeks, (later found it out it was a leaky wheel cylinder) and after about 3 weeks of owning the car last spring/summer, my brakes went out on a curvy road combined with understeer and i slid straight into a guardrail... Ins would have totaled it, so i made the best of it and fixed what i could.
  7. So i have had my car for about a year now, its been my DD but that doesnt mean its not a project right?! Up to this point i hadnt really felt the need to start a build thread, but i have a few big things that will hopefully be taking place over the next few months, so instead of clogging up the sight i figured id start a build thread. The first thing on my list, which was supposed to arrive today, (but ups messed up) is a full air ride suspension setup. With that i want to do a bunch of interior and truck clean up, making it a clean install! Next is finishing the build on my old l20, and putting that back in R1 street bike carbs will follow that then hopefully ill boost it again (running N/A now after blowing the l20 the first time) Theres tons of other things id like to do, but it all depends on my cash flow! Pictures are from all various stages since ive had it
  8. Im gunna keep my eye out on CL for sure! Who knows from what you guys are sayin, meybe ill have better performance out of boosted R1 carbs then when i was using SUs!
  9. So i came accross this thread and read through the whole thing, i hop on ebay looking for the late 90s early 2000 r1 carbs, and is it just me or has the price jumped on those quite a bit since this was origanally posted in 08-09? im seeing anything from 100 bucks for junk to 350 for good takeoffs Am i looking in the right spot??
  10. Just for the record you realize a 185 on a 9.5= some pretty crazy stretch In my opinion if your going to run flares anyway you mine as well run as wide a wheel as possible.. especially if you want that much stretch Edit: unless your limited to a 185 for some odd reason?
  11. Haha yeah it should be a pretty easy fix, i just found it funny and was curious if its happened to anyone else!
  12. No i cant thru bolt it, the nut wouldnt sit flush, its a 5 speed out of like an 80s 200sx im gunna grab some helicoils in the morning
  13. Yeah i wont ziptie it haha, my dad just about punched me when i mentioned zipties. But by drill/tap i mean enlarge and re-tap + bigger bolt. but then id have to enlarge the starter as well...
  14. So the last few times i went to start my car it made a bad grinding noise before the motor turned over, but i was in a hurry and never checked it out. then finally i went to start it annnnd nothin. get out and its just hangin there! Nothing 4 big zip ties couldnt temporarily fix, but it appears the threads pulled out of the tranny, so now i gotta take it apart and either helicoil or drill/tap new holes. Which method do you think will work better? and Anyone ever had this happen? Edit- my guess is it came loose, and my negligence allowed it to flop around and pull out?
  15. Second Z on stancenations FB page in two days! nice! lol
  16. I just got on here to say the same thing lol
  17. Works for me! Whoever started the thread should change the name with a date
  18. Just came accross this as i was looking into bags... Gunna keep my eye on it! I may be young myself but its always cool to see "young" people getting into cars!
  19. hmm you know... i never considered that. back to the drawing board i suppose
  20. Yes, there is a bearing underneath the camber plates, i have new suspension in the mail so ill be sure to flip those plates around when i have it apart! Thanks for the input!
  21. And for all those interested... i found a HUGE problem with running that much camber on stock struts.... ill post pics later today Edit: at least a huge problem with my camber plates
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