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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Are you saying that quiet pipes produce the same power as loud(er)ones?
  2. #7-please show which part of the constitution addresses health care.(I'll wait) So A Apple computer gave you the bill of rights. Interesting. Yes,they did want an army. And th eneed for that was confirmed in 1812.And the "Army" is completely separate from the "well-regulated militia". The 3rd amendment addresses housing regular army troops in civilian quarters. The miltia exists to exterminate our government should the need arise. Now to the pipes, any pipe that is "baloney cut" does not aim solely backwards.And can be heard in a 180 degree semi-circle. And if loud pipes just annoy people then loud mufflers just annoy people also. But you know this isn't true.
  3. Z-train

    1977 620

    Nope-this is the wrong answer for the vehicle in question.
  4. But yet you keep posting & posting & posting. Funny how you say this AFTER you come up on the short end of the discussion. And,actually this stuff DOES belong here. Because there is more to life than Datsuns and we won't even have them if things continue the way they are.
  5. Simple logic.Loud(er) pipes make cage drivers aware of the presence of bike(s). Un-less the driver has homicidal intentions, logic dictates that since the driver is now aware of the bike,the chances of an accident are either eliminated or greatly reduced. Note: I am not a fan of drag pipes as they actually defeat their purpose on the street. Back to our topic: http://news.yahoo.com/knockout-game-attacker-asked-man-had-gun-punching-202027404.html Any more questions?
  6. NEVER,NEVER DO this.Block & heads surfaces are to be cleaned by hand ONLY.Never use powered rotary grinders/sanders.
  7. Guns are the reason you can post drivel like this.THe third amendment has nothing to do with ANYTHING discussed by either side in this topic. And loud pipes DO save lives.
  8. They are for OFFENSE against tyranny.They are for personal defense which is a birth-right. ANd how do I carry that box when I'm out with my wife?
  9. First off-NO-you're NOT "just asking",however......... Gareth Long was asleep with his wife shortly before midnight when he heard a loud bang inside their home. An intruder had gained entry to the Longs' home by using a tree branch to break in through a bedroom window. Long realized there had been a break-in and retrieved his handgun. He discovered the intruder in the hallway outside of their bedroom. Long was forced to fire when his repeated warnings went unheeded. The intruder's wounds proved fatal. Long and his family were not injured. (Dallas Morning News, Cedar Hill, Texas, 12/26/13) April 1972: Elmer E. Nissen of Tacoma, Wash., got a shotgun when three suspicious strangers rang his doorbell one morning. When they started twisting the knob off his front door with a pipe wrench, Nissen opened the door and held the trio for police. (The News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash.) The tension between rival teenagers escalated as groups of supporters from both sides began making threats over social media website Facebook. The dispute erupted into an all-out brawl when opposing groups met in person. One boy struck a female several times in the face. When another girl tried to help her, the same male knocked her to the ground and began kicking her. Another male pulled out a BB gun and pointed it at the female victims. A concealed-carry license holder nearby pulled his own firearm after witnessing the assault. He ordered the teens to break it up, which caused the group to flee. No shots were fired. Both males involved were later arrested and charged with multiple counts. One of the females involved was also charged. (Boston Herald, Dorchester, Mass., 1/1/14) Around 9:30 p.m., a man returning a video to a movie rental kiosk outside of a McDonald's restuarant was confronted by a suspected carjacker. The man returning the video was carrying a concealed firearm at the time of the attack, and drew his gun in self-defense. He fired, killing the suspect. There were no other injuries reported. (Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas, 9/12/13) April 1980: Two men, one carrying a crowbar, entered a Norwich, N.Y., motorcycle shop, approached the owner's son, and asked to see an item from a wall display. When owner Loren Frink walked into the room and saw his son being beaten with the crowbar, he drew his pistol and fired. The would-be robbers fled unharmed but soon were arrested. (The Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, N.Y.) An armed man entered a Dollar General store one afternoon, waved his gun in the air and threatened to kill everyone in the store. He held a cashier and a customer at gunpoint and ushered them toward a break room area. A customer carrying a concealed handgun then defeated the threat with a single shot. The gunman was struck in the chest and was pronounced dead at the scene. No one else was reportedly injured. (The Selma Times-Journal, Orrville, AL, 1/16/14) November 1959: Two youths who confessed to six jewelry store burglaries were captured at gunpoint by bartender James O'Brien when they switched targets by breaking into a Coran, N.Y., saloon. O'Brien slept in a room off the bar and grabbed a rifle when the burglars entered. The bartender held one at bay and the fleeing accomplice was captured by police near the getaway car. (Coran, N.Y., New York Daily News) Billy McCall, 78, was at home when he heard his wife scream. McCall grabbed his .380-cal. handgun and went to his wife's aid. He found that a man had forced his way into their home and seized his wife in a choke hold. The armed intruder fired at McCall striking him in his stomach. McCall returned fire, causing the intruder to flee. The assailant was later dropped off at a local hospital where he died. He had sustained gunshot wounds to his abdomen, leg and chest. McCall is reported to be in stable condition and is expected to survive the gunshot wound he sustained during the home invasion. Mrs. McCall was reportedly uninjured. (Independent Mail, Anderson, S.C., 12/25/13) Two men kicked in the front door of a home around 12:45 p.m., and were met by an armed homeowner. The men, armed with a handgun, reportedly knew the homeowner's daughter and had been harassing her. When the gun-wielding homeowner caught them inside his home, they fled the scene. Both men, however, were arrested soon thereafter on suspicion of aggravated burglary and aggravated assault. (The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, 5/28/14) August 1970: Joseph Hueftlein, 80, was in a rear room of his Cincinnati, Ohio, food store when he heard a man ordering his wife to hand over money. Heuftlein grabbed his gun and covered the man until police arrived. (Cincinnati, Ohio, Enquirer) How many more do you want?
  10. A lot of my "fellow citizens" SHOULD be shot. Just Dirty Harry said:"Nothing wrong with people getting shot-as long as the "right" people get shot. And no-I'm not joking.
  11. Did you hear about the Irish sniper? Rick O'Shea.
  12. Correct.In fact,I'm licensed for all of the above.The only reason I don't have them ALL,is a lack of funds.In fact if I had a 1 million spare bucks,a Panzer MKIV would be parked in my garage. Check out what ANYONE can own if your wallet is thick enough. http://www.auctionsamerica.com/events/all-lots.cfm?SaleCode=LC14&CFID=19285016&CFTOKEN=d2386a4b1c4fed40-9B002E7E-06CE-98F3-91C1A77AD33BF29D&jsessionid=84307bee2f187094faf03e164621237675c8
  13. I have 12 or more in my possession.SO the waiting period is moot. This is what a lot of people don't understand.
  14. Mike-what is a five day wait going to accomplish? Joe NotCool-I wouldn't even think of telling you how to protect your family. But for some reason you think you can tell me (and others) how to protect ours. That by definition is a liberal. And just a point of info:I have to deal with Bobcats,Mountain Lions,packs of Coyotes(anywhere from 5 to 30) and the occasional Gila Monster on my ranch.Now,exactly who the fuck are you to tell me how to protect my ranch,animals & property?
  15. Logic can't be twisted.Ignorant statements can. I WORK for the Rail road. My JOB is keeping my family SAFE. Guns are the tool that lets me accomplish my task. Just like a ratchet lets a mechanic complete his task.No difference.
  16. 1)So when you're out and you & your wife get robbed,you say:Hunny-aren't you glad I left my gun home where it's safe? 2)So you'd rather be with a criminal than a law abiding citizen?...WOW. 3)Bullshit.Yes,we do. See below: http://7online.com/news/bronx-bodega-shooting-caught-on-surveillance-camera/238595/
  17. Z-train

    1977 620

    Correct.Even still it sounds like the OP wants power beyond a 4 banger's realm.
  18. Z-train

    1977 620

    No point in lightening the flywheel in your application.
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