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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Too bad you're in Cali... I'm sure my boss would snag that R154 from you for our swapped 240. GLWS
  2. Wow... this could get expensive piecing this together. Good luck.
  3. The pumpkin lives! Glad to see Dave is still kickin'...
  4. Yes, but as you can see people dont read the stickies.
  5. Fixed my engine rattle and installed the temporary valve cover and aircleaner so that my pieces can be powerdcoated.
  6. Wow, 48pgs huh? Thanks for the compliment. Dont worry too much... I havent done anything major to the car yet either. Im in a bit of a funds shortage so almost all progress has stopped. I see you made good work of the 4dr. base I gave you.
  7. I will admit that the sites search is horrible... and Im sure that almost no one knows how to switch it to Google or members or such. I wonder if theres an admin setting to make Google search default.
  8. Well I fixed the rattle scrape. I was poking around while the car was idling and I narrowed it down to around the carb. I looked under the carb and noticed that a pipe for the emissions that once had a plastic cap, no longer does. I placed my thumb over it, the rattling stopped. I removed my thumb and it came back. I placed my thumb back on it, and pulled on the throttle a bit and got no rattle/scrape like I was. Looks like I just blew the cap off while driving. Now I dont know what exactly was rattling, but I at least fixed it.
  9. No problem. If you need any help just PM me.
  10. They are called pixel cars. Just hop on Google and do a little search. A few sites pop up where you can download a stock looking car (called a base) and you draw all your parts on the car pixel by pixel in paint.
  11. Wow... thats a perfect cutoff. Im impressed... now just hopefully enough people pick them up so that I can get some classics. Otherwise Im going to pull the trigger on some Cats and call it good.
  12. Are you talking about my signature?
  13. Im a kinbaku fan, but not so much tentacles haha I think the ropes are part of beauty. Im not a bondage fan though... not really into the control aspect, but I like the intricacies of the knots and such.
  14. I usually throw 7 or so images in the same post... but then when people would 'like' a post, I didnt know which someone actually liked. I started doing individual posts so I could cater which types of images I should post for everyone. And I would say most of my posts are in the 45 or so pages of build thread (regardless of if they are build related or not haha)
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