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WTB L20 and Trans

   (0 reviews)
  • $1,000 WANTED
  • Offered by: sgore13
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  • 5 days and 19 hours left ()
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Phoenix , Arizona United States
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3 Questions
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I am finally, after a decade, going to start to rebuild my 1969 510.  Currently its an auto with an L16 and im 90% the engine has a spun bearing.  I remember finding L20s everywhere in the past but can seem to find any today.   Thanks for the help! 

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Cars Will fit 510 without drive shaft mods unless noted.

'74-'77 610s F4W63 4 speeds. Won't fit the 510 without shortening the driveshaft.

'75-78 710s F4W63 four speeds

'77-'79 S10 200sx FS5W63A dogleg 5 speeds

'79 A10 HL510  F4W63 four speeds.


Trucks... Won't fit the 510 without shortening the driveshaft

'75-'79 620 71 B four speeds with 71 B five speeds optional from '77

'80 720 71 B four speeds with '71 B five speeds optional


L20B compatible 71B five speeds. Won't fit the 510 without shortening the driveshaft

'78-'80 810 71B five speeds

'81-'84 Maxima 71B five speeds

'71-'78 280z 71 B four speeds with 71 B five speeds optional '77-'78

'80-'83 280zx (non turbo) 71 B five speeds optional on the '79 zx otherwise 71B four speed.

'82.5-'83 280zx turbo T5 five speed. Big, might fit an automatic tunnel, boat anchor, cheap to rebuild

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I am waiting to get my hands on two L20B's, but I would GUESS that they both will need rebuilding, thus sold as CORES.  I have one L20B shortblock disassembled, already .040, built by ex-BRE John Caldwell in the 80's.  The oil bypass "valve" at the oil filter has been "plugged", so you would want to use a remote oil filter assembly.


I have an NOS set of made in Japan sandcast pistons from the 80's, with a slight dish, made for a STOCK 280Z L28.  The L20B is 85mm, the 280Z is 86mm, but I have NOT done the full research if you can use the 280Z pistons in an L20B (I just dug them out last night!)


I am in Denver, if you ever get up this way.............shipping would be on a pallet truck freight ONLY, which is ridiculously expensive these days cuz of our current illustrious "administration" (politics.....yup!!!!! 😡)


I have Z 4spds & a Wagon 4spd.  I have one Roadster 5spd that was rebuilt years ago, never installed, got moisture inside from storage, so needs to come apart again to GLASSBEAD some of the gears (we opened it up to inspect, found some light oxidation, simply bolted back together)


I have one Datsun Motorsports driveshaft with a front "slip yoke", which allows a small margin of "adjustability" (I have plenty of stock driveshafts that could be used as a CORE to shorten)





I am originally from Denver, so that could work out perfect.  When you get the engines in, can you send some pics?  Thanks man 

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