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79-82 310 Brake Proportioning Valve

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79-82 310 Brake Proportioning Valve

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  • -$0.01 WANTED
  • Offered by: ReyChappell
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  • 9 days and 23 hours left ()
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I am in need of this valve; the Nissan part number is 46400-M7900. It has to be from a 310, since it has individual lines going to each wheel.

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I don't think that's a proportioning valve. If you look, it probably has a wire going to it. This is the brake warning switch that detects an uneven pressure between the front and the rear hydraulic systems. In the event of a leak in one of the systems, the pressure in the other will activate the brake warning light on the dash.


Most if not all Datsuns have a built in bias to the front by designing the system with smaller brake cylinders in the rear that the front, or in the master cylinder design.

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Correct, it is a junction block with a slide valve inside.........NOT a proportioning valve.  As Mike says, if a bad leak/rupture occurs, the slide valve moves inside & BLOCKS the damaged hydraulic circuit, thus leaving the other half operational, so you can stop the car.  When the slide valve moves, it also triggers the red brake light on the dash, to notify you that your brakes will NOT operate as they should!  Always thought it was funny, cuz the first time you poke the brake pedal after a rupture, you will know physically that there is a problem..........the light seems redundant!!  The British cars did the same thing.


You CAN disassemble your old valve.  I was able to buy NEW seals at a seal specialist, years ago & rebuild.  No, there are no rebuild kits or listings for these seals...........

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The emergency brake usually has a switch to warn that it is engaged and later ('80s) master cylinders had styrofoam floats and contacts to warn of low brake fluid.



Thanks for the info guys. This car has the floats in the master cylinder for the warning light. I'll work on fixing it and upload pics as I go.

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